Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - More than a Lady

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"I refuse to marry a man I have never even met," you yelled at your father from where you stood in front of his table, your words biting through the silence of his study. He sighed and put his face into his hands rubbing away the frustration at his oldest daughter. It was not the first time you had been in this argument, and if he continued to press the matter, it would likely not be the last.

"Y/N, you are the oldest of my daughters, and King Robert insists that his son is to marry a Stark girl," he muttered, shaking his head. "It is an honour to be asked to marry a future King," he tried to reason with you as you continued to glare at him.

"Then let Sansa do it," you grumbled, "she's been dreaming of marrying a Prince since before she could even walk, Father." It was true, Sansa had told you that she loved Joffrey without ever having met him and you were sure she would be glad to find she would be his future Queen.

"You'll have to marry someday, Y/N," he murmured, mouth set in a straight line. "For now, Sansa shall be betrothed to Joffrey, but we will continue this discussion when you've calmed down," he finished, looking down at you. "You are dismissed," he added as he looked back down at his book. You turned on your heel and headed out of the hall through the big wooden doors only to bump into your two brothers and Theon.

"That was a private conversation between Father and I," you started, glaring at the trio, "you shouldn't have been eavesdropping." When Robb smirked you became even more bitter, practically growling in his direction.

"Please Y/N, the whole of Winterfell could hear you shouting at father like a child," he laughed at you, Jon looked saddened as he watched you become more angry.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand," you spat at your brother,  "you won't have to move half way across Westeros as away from your family." It was then that you remembered Theon stood amongst your group, your eyes flitting to him for a second, your mouth opening and closing as you attempted to find words. "I'm sorry Theon, that was insensitive of me," you whispered, lowering your eyes to his feet.

"I understand" he muttered, giving you a small smile, "I'm glad you won't be leaving to marry some stupid Prince," he added before turning to leave.

Robb smirked, shaking his head as he followed after Theon. Jon remained beside you for a moment, until you both began heading, as if on instinct, towards the God-woods. "I just don't understand why Father would want to send me to King's Landing on my own," you huffed to him.

"He only wants what is best for you, being Queen would make you the most powerful woman in the Seven Kingdoms," he explained, he was always the voice of reason when you were in a bad mood, allowing you to keep level-headed in situations like this.

"But, I don't want to be queen," you grumbled, frustration bubbling over as you sighed. "I don't even want to be a Lady, it's boring," you told him. "Sitting with Septa Mordane doing needlework is tedious, I'd much rather learn to use a sword," you added.

"Then marry a Lord who is willing to let you," he said as you both sat leaning against a big old tree, you turned to smirk at him.

"And where would I find such a perfect man?" you chuckled, "He does not exist, Jon, no Lady is allowed to fight like a man," you informed him with a shake of your head.

"Theon said his sister Yara does, her father allowed them all to learn to fight and ride," he told her, very proud with himself.

"So I shall marry Theon's Father," you exclaimed suddenly, "you really are a genius, have I ever told you that?" you asked sarcastically and he let out a snort of laughter.

"That's not what I meant," he told you, shoving you in the shoulder slightly, "I meant that you could marry Theon and stay here with us." 

You scrunched your face up in disgust, scoffing slightly. "He is as much a brother to me as you or Robb, I couldn't marry Theon, it would be wrong," you told him, your voice dropping slightly.

"We both know thats not true," he continued, "I see the way you look at him. You love Theon and he loves you," he said loudly causing you to slap his arm to shut him up.

"Don't say that, you don't know what you are talking about, and if he hears you he will make fun of me," you told him as tears welled up in your eyes. Jon stretched out his arm to you, allowing you to huddle closer to him.

"So, I was right?" Jon asked, causing you to nod, your lips turned into an intense frown. "He likes you too you know, he told Robb and I that he wanted to marry you someday," he paused for a moment, allowing you to absorb this new information. "He asked me not to tell you, but you should tell him how you feel," he finished, standing and helping you to your feet.

You followed him through the castle to where the two boys were sparing in the yard. As you entered, Theon looked up and saw you, earning himself a slap in the chest from Robb's wooden sword. He looked back, shocked to have been hit, watching as Robb started to laugh. 

"I told her, Theon," Jon announced to them all. Theon's face somehow became more shocked as he looked at Jon. He moved towards him with his wooden sword pointed at Jon's chest.

"Theon, stop," you cried out, moving into his path, but it did nothing to deter him, and he quickly moved to step around you. In a moment of panic, you pressed your eyes closed, taking a deep breath. "He told me because I told him how I felt about you," you told him. You heard the footsteps stop in front of you, too frightened to open your eyes and look at him.

You heard the clatter of the wooden sword dropping from Theon's hand as he moved towards you. "Do you mean that?" he asked as you finally opened you eyes and saw him standing inches from you.

"Of course I do, you idiot," you chuckled, rolling your eyes and looking down at your hands. He continued to look at you for another second. You really were pretty, especially now, with your cheeks tinged red.

"Can I kiss you?" Theon asked quietly as the rest of you stood in silence. You nodded enthusiastically as you moved towards him and allowed him to press his lips to your own.

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