Bran Stark X Iron Islander!Reader- Snowfall

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The day of the King's visit you made it your mission to make your betrothed look like an utter fool. You had lived at Winterfell for as long as you could remember having lost your parents during the Greyjoy Rebellion, and for as long as you could remember Old Nan, and Maester Lewin, and Sir Rodrik, and basically anyone who knew anything, had told you that you would marry Bran. You weren't one to complain, Bran would be a good husband, he would never mistreat you or dishonour you, so you were happy to accept and you'd allowed yourself to grow closer to the little Lord.

You had begun spending a lot of time together, becoming close friends in the process and because of this you decided to torture one another. When the King's procession made its way into Winterfell you were stood between Jon and Theon, just within arms reach of Bran where he stood in front of you. As everyone knelt you reached forward, pinching his bottom lightly and causing him to jolt forward, out of your way, leaving him splayed on the floor as he scrambled to kneel with everyone else. You tried to hide your laughter as he shot you a small glare, covering your mouth and shaking with silent laughter only causing him to smile back at you. You could Theon laughing beside you too, he had always appreciated your jokes and claimed that you and Bran were "So cute," with every chance he got. It drove you insane, you hated being thought of as cute.

Lord Stark introduced you and Theon to the king, who seemed much more interested in you than Theon. You had always been told that when you were older you would be beautiful, and here the King was telling you the same. "She's pretty, she'll be a heartbreaker, that one," he muttered turning back to Lord Stark who chuckled lightly.

"I hope not, Your Grace; she's to marry my son when they both come of age," he told him with a polite smile that didn't quite reach the edges of his face, not quite wide enough to be genuine. "Y/N Blacktyde came to us after the Greyjoy Rebellion when she was just a babe, she has been fostered with us ever since," he added softly, giving you a small nod, which you returned with a smile.

The King scoffed for a moment, looking between yourself and Bran before turning back to Lord Stark. "How about we pay our respects?" he asked, his gruff voice echoing across an otherwise silent courtyard. The Queen looked as though she wanted to speak up, to tell him no, but was quickly shut down by his glare as he walked away from the group, followed closely by Lord Stark.

The silence in the courtyard was quickly replaced by the whispering of the women and the muttering of the men as the Queen stalked off, followed closely by her children and their guards. Bran turned around to you, his face dark and grumpy as he stalked over the few steps it took to get to where you stood. "What's the matter, Bran?" you asked him, taking a few steps away to climb onto the wall, sitting comfortably as you looked down at him.

"You made me look a fool in front of the King," he huffed, climbing up to sit beside you and allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder as you chuckled.

"Do you want me to tell you a secret?" you whispered and he nodded quickly causing you to let out another chuckle. "King Robert is a fool, he'll hardly notice you behaving like one," you added as quietly as you could through your giggles, causing him to gasp and then dissolve into a fit of laughter as you had.

"You'll get yourselves in trouble talking like that, you know?" Robb's voice interrupted you, the shock of it making you sit up straight, taking your head off of Bran's shoulder with a gasp.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people," Bran spat back, his own voice now holding much more annoyance than it had moments before.

"Didn't mean to interrupt you two love birds but if I were anyone else you'd be in big trouble," he chuckled, smiling up at you as you shook your head at him. "Especially you Y/N, Bran's a Stark, Father would get him out of trouble with the King, but you're an Iron Islander, you'd be arrested for treason," he teased, lowering his voice as he got closer to you, stepping up on a crate to get his head level with yours.

"Why don't you get lost Robb?" you growled, pushing him backwards with your foot so that he stumbled away, off of the crate and lost his balance, landing on his butt on the dirty, slightly damp, floor. He was quick to get back to his feet, glaring at you for a moment before storming away from the two of you. He knew better than to start trouble whilst Winterfell had visitors, especially when those visitors where the royal family. "Why is he such an arse sometimes?" you huffed to yourself, jumping down from the wall and stalking away towards the gardens, leaving Bran sat awkwardly alone.

The path into the gardens of Winterfell had always seemed so peaceful to you, especially when it was lightly dusted with snow as it was today, the whole place looked beautiful. The grass peeping through the thick layers of snow was what drew your attention first, it all stood on end, crunching when you finally stepped into it and causing your whole body to relax. There didn't seem to be a time when the gardens of Winterfell didn't have at least a little bit of snow in them, and it was never the slightly brown slush that you got out in the courtyard where it had all been over-walked and trodden down, it was fresh and pure silvery white.

"He doesn't like that Father likes you; when he was a child your family were our enemy, he was told stories of you being evil savages, and now Father cares for you as if you were his own child," Bran told you, coming up behind you and settling his arm around your shoulder to keep you warm. "He's jealous," he added and you let out a disbelieving scoff.

"Why on Earth would he be jealous of me? I was torn from my mother's breast and given to a family I didn't know; I was terrified and alone for the first years of my life," you growled, shrugging out of his grip and immediately regretting it. You took Bran's hand in yours, pulling him closer again. "I'm sorry, I'm being a brat," you told him, linking your fingers together and leaning your head against his shoulder.

"It's okay," he mumbled back, allowing you both to just stand in silence staring at the crisp, untouched snow before you. It wasn't too long before a mischievous thought came to your mind and you loosened your grip on Bran's hand, lifting your head and shifting your stance so that you could get your shoulder behind his. And with one swift shove he fell into the snow, causing it to fly up into the air around him. When he rolled onto his back to look at you, you crouched in the snow, shaking with laughter. His face was covered in drops of melting snow and his eyebrows held a few flecks that had managed to hold their shape.

"You should see your face," you cried, your laughter wracking your body as the boy plotted his revenge, unaware of the eyes of his father and the King in the hallways overlooking the gardens. Within a few seconds he had you tackled into the snow, grabbing handfuls and rubbing it over your hair, causing you to screech through your inescapable laughter as you squirmed beneath him. "Stop," you yelped and he paused for a second, smiling down at you, his fists still full of melting snow.

"Are you sorry?" he asked, his voice low and warning as he squinted at your freezing face, seeing your nose and cheeks turning a bright red.

"Never," you cried, twisting your body so that he fell backwards off of you and into the wet grass before getting to your feet and running to the shelter of a nearby tree.

"I'm going to make you regret that," he yelled after you, a smile plastered to his face as he threw a ball of snow that smashed into the trunk of the tree you were hidden behind.

"You'll have to catch me first," you shrieked back, laughing as you poked your head out from around the side of the tree, poking out your tongue at him and disappearing just before another snowball hit the trunk.

Lord Stark smiled as he watched the two of you playing in the snow, throwing clumps of the stuff at one another as you laughed and screamed and behaved like real children. "Have you ever seen two people so perfect for each other, Robert?" he spoke up and the other man chuckled, shaking his head. It was rare for him to be lost for words but seeing the two of you had almost stolen them from his tongue. "The others poke fun but they may end up being the happiest people in the Seven Kingdoms when they are married," he added.

"I don't doubt that they will be," King Robert finally told him with a smile, his voice deep and rumbling enough to catch your attention, causing you to stop on the spot. A lump of snow smacked you in the back of the head as you gave a deep curtsey, causing you to let out a loud yelp of shock. "You ought to get him back for that one," he called out to you, and you gave him your brightest smile before dashing off to find cover and some more untouched snow to turn into weapons.

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