Gendry Waters X Stark!Reader - Debt (Requested)

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You guess you were lucky that you were sick on the day of your uncle's wedding to the Frey girl. Had you been there, you would have been dead along with your Mother and Robb, but now you were stuck running an army alone. Jon Umber was the one who had kept you from losing your army, he had been by your side when you heard of what had happened at the Twins and quickly told you that he would fight for you, with you as the Queen in the North. He told you he would help you to avenge your families murders and he stopped you from losing yourself when you had nothing else left. You had picked up Robb's role quickly, learning to tell people what to do rather than to ask, and you were quickly gaining your mens trust as a leader, with the Greatjon as your closest advisor.

You were sitting alone one evening, looking over your maps and thinking over your next battle when one of your guards came to your tent, breaking your train of thought. "Your Grace, there are people here to see you. The girl says she's your sister," he told you and your head shot up to look at him.

"Bring them in, quickly," you started as you got to your feet, covering over your maps and calming yourself. You hadn't seen any of your family in months, and you knew Sansa was still in King's Landing, but Arya had gone missing. You were shocked when you saw the pair, both coated in dirt, hair a tangled mess. "Arya," you spoke as tears came to your eyes. She looked different, with a sword at her hip and dressed in boys clothing but you knew it was her the second you saw her. You pulled her into your arms, ignoring the smell she gave off as you held her as close as you could, as if you were worried she would disappear again at any moment.

"Y/N," you heard her breathe out as she pulled away. "This is my friend, Gendry , he helped me to find you," she told you gesturing at the tall boy beside her. You gave him a quick nod as you held her at arms length, looking her over in order to imbed this moment into your mind.

"Gods, I've missed you," you uttered as you pulled her into another hug. "Thank you for getting her here safely," you spoke to him and he gave you a small smile before speaking.

"It's more like she got me here safely if i'm honest," he joked and you smiled up at him from where you crouched in front of your sister.

"Come, you must be exhausted," you started again, "and you both smell something awful. There's a bath in my tent, one of you can use that," you told them as Greatjon walked in, looking over the scene with a smile.

"So this is the famous Arya Stark," he grinned, his voice booming in the enclosed space. "Your sister speaks very highly of your skill with a bow and arrow," he added and Arya smiled her toothy grin at him.

"Jon, could Gendry use your room to Bathe?" you asked, receiving a nod in response. "And have a room set up for him, and something to eat and drink. I'm sure he's in need of it," you added as you ushered Arya out of the tent and towards your own.

"Are you going to send Gendry away?" she asked as you called for one of the chambermaids to draw a bath, searching for the collection of sweets you had gathered for yourself. You had always had a sweet tooth, much like your little sister, and you knew she would appreciate them almost as much as you did.

"No, I owe him a debt for helping you, and if he wants to stay with us then he can. We need all the men we can get, be that well trained highborn soldiers or bastards," you told her as you handed over some chocolate, watching her eyes light up as she rushed to take a bite, grinning.

"You should tell him that," she mumbled around the mouthful. "He won't want to stay if he thinks you don't want him here," she added and you nodded as you watched the water fill the tub.

"Are you okay if I leave you for a moment?" you asked and she nodded as she shoved more of the melting chocolate into her mouth, making you chuckle as you made your way out of the tent. You told your guard to keep her safe, before heading off to Lord Umber's tent, where you thought Gendry would be.

The guards bowed and let you pass as you reached the tent, clearing your throat as you walked in and making Greatjon chuckle as you shielded your eyes. "The boy is fully clothed, I wouldn't be in here if he wasn't," he laughed out and you slowly lowered your hands looking around the room.

"I wanted to speak with Gendry about staying here," you uttered softly, moving to sit opposite him where he was eating, pouring yourself a cup of the wine that was sitting in the centre, waiting for Lord Umber to leave you.

"You don't need to tell me to go, I'll be out of your way by tomorrow morning," he told you with a small smile and you furrowed your brow.

"I wasn't going to tell you to leave. I was going to ask you to stay," you spoke softly as you shifted in your seat. "As long as I am alive I will owe you debt for bringing Arya back to me, and I would like to start paying you back by telling you that you are welcome in our camp," you paused and he smiled at you. "I will have some of my chambermaids set up a tent for you and you can stay for as long as it pleases you," you told him.

"Thank you, Your grace," he smiled at you as he got from his chair to bow to you, his knees hitting the floor.

"Don't start all that 'your grace' rubbish, get up," you chuckled out as you looked down at him. "My name is Y/N and that is what you will call me. My friends don't have to refer to me by my titles," you told him as he stood up, taking his seat again. You pulled out a bar of chocolate from your sleeve, placing it on to the table between you with a grin, "I gave one to Arya and I have never seen someone so happy, I'm sure you've missed it as well," you told him as you pushed it across to him.

"Is that chocolate?" he asked as he turned over the small paper wrapped bar, watching as you nodded. "I've never had proper chocolate before, not that I can remember anyhow," he told you as he picked it up, unwrapping the paper and looking at it.

"Your bath is ready," one of the chambermaids spoke up, a smile on her face as she looked over the boy in front of her, yes he was dirty and smelly but he was a well built man, and he was handsome as any knight. You found yourself growing slightly uncomfortable as she watched him watching you.

"You're excused," you told her and her head turned to you, nodding before moving quickly from the tent. "I'll leave you to bathe, enjoy the chocolate," you added as you rose to your feet turning to leave.

"Could you stay?" he asked before stuttering through a pause. "I would be behind the partition, you wouldn't see anything, I just wanted someone to speak with," he told you and you nodded as you came back to sit at the table. You poured yourself another drink as he moved towards the partition that would separate the two of you, listening as his clothes fell to the floor and the water rippled.

"Why did you leave King's Landing?" you asked him lightly as you relaxed into your seat. Relaxation was not something that had come too easily the last few months and you were happy to be able to think about someone else's problems rather than your own for once.

He hesitated for a moment, the only sounds the light splash of the water against the side of the tub. "Nothing too important," he started and you frowned.

"Come now, there must be a pretty good reason that you would rather be in a cold field rather than in the Capital," you scoffed and he went silent again. "I was just curious, you don't have to tell me," you told him gently, wishing you could see his reaction to your comment.

"My Father died, and a lot of people weren't fans of him. It was safer to get away," he told you bluntly and you nodded before realising he couldn't see you.

"I'm sorry for your loss," you told him, your voice low.

"And I'm sorry for what happened to your family," he retorted, his voice gentle. "I didn't know my father, it was more of a shock to find out he was still alive than it was to find out he was dead," he added with a small laugh and you laughed too.

"What did you do in King's Landing?" you asked him as you ran your nails through the grain of the wooden table, allowing it to dip into the divots that ran across it.

"I worked as a blacksmith, making armour. I was damned good at it too," he told you, leaving you in thought for a while.

"Would you want to do that here? We always need the help," you asked him and you heard the water still again as he thought about your offer.

"I would love to," he spoke again and it made you smile, the idea of making him happy giving you some small bit of joy yourself.

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