Tyrion Lannister X Stark!Reader - People Like Us

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'People Like Us' by Kelly Clarkson. I hope you all enjoy it.

"My Lady is overdressed, unburden her," the king growled, watching Sansa crying on the ground, shaking as she held back heavy sobs.

"Please don't," you whimpered. Your whole body was wracked with nervous shivers as you watched one of the King's loyal guards marching towards your little sister. "Please don't hurt her, I'll do anything," you yelped out again, struggling against the Hound's thick fingers, trying to free yourself.

"Anything?" Joffrey's voice settled the crowd who had all been murmuring amongst themselves, anxious to see what damage would be done to the girl before them. He stood from his throne, taking a few steps before pausing, "Tell me exactly what you would do to protect your sister," he ordered.

You hesitated for a moment. He had killed your Father in front of you and Sansa, chased Arya out of the city, and now he was asking you to grovel. "I will do anything, Your Grace," you finally answered, your eyes staring into the stone floor until his lifted your chin with his thumb and forefinger, making you look at where Sansa lay sobbing on the ground, her face red and puffy from the tears. "Please," you whispered again, finally locking eyes with your little sister.

The King leaned in as close as he could get, letting his lips linger slightly on your ear before he spoke just loud enough that only you would hear him. "I promise that I will make you regret this choice," he told you. The threat would have meant something from someone else, from almost anyone else, but Joffrey was not violent on his own, he would not be the one to harm you. He would use the Hound or some other King's Guard, but he would never dirty his own hands on you. You lowered your head, looking at the floor as you felt Sansa's eyes linger on you. "Ser Meryn, please show Lady Y/N that it's rude to smirk at her King," you hadn't noticed you had begun to smirk, happy that he would no longer lay his hand to Sansa.

The slap stung your cheek, leaving its red mark against the soft skin and dropping you to your knees as you stumbled the few steps away from your attacker. You felt the tears spring into place but fought them back, hiding them beneath a straight lipped smile. You didn't see the next hit coming, but you surely felt it as Meryn Trant hit you in the temple with the hilt of his sword, sending you out of your kneeling position and onto the ground. You raised your fingers to your forehead, pulling them away to see the blood staining the tips. You closed your eyes for a moment, gritting your teeth before pushing yourself back to your feet and staring back at the King.

There were a few muffled gasps in the crowd once you were standing again, your eyes never drifting away from Joffrey. "Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Your Grace," you uttered, giving a small nod in his direction as your lips turned up into a small smile. "I've learned a lot," you added causing him to scowl at you.

"And you and Sansa will denounce your brother?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow in your direction and causing you to let out a little chuckle as you shook your head slightly. "Take her to a cell," Joffrey erupted, throwing his cup of wine across the room and letting it slide to a stop at your feet. "She's a traitor," he continued to roar until the door clattered open, silencing him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Tyrion growled as he stormed into the room as quickly as his short legs would let him, pausing as he reached you only for a second to look at your face. "Why is my betrothed bleeding?" he continued as he marched up the steps towards Joffrey where he now stood in front of his throne. Tyrion paused for a second, turning to Bronn before speaking, "Take Lady Y/N and Lady Sansa to my chambers, I'll be with you soon."

"She's being punished," Joffrey growled, causing Meryn to take a few steps towards you, only for Bronn to step into his path, halting his movements.

"For what?" Tyrion hissed back, sending the whole room into silence. "Neither of these women fight their brother's battles, you halfwit," he continued.

"I'm the King, I can do as I please," Joffrey huffed out, his face scrunched up in anger as he watched his uncle derail his plans.

"The mad king did as he liked. Has your uncle Jaime ever told you what happened to him?" Tyrion hummed as he began to walk away from the throne, followed closely by you and Sansa, with Bronn bringing up the rear.

"Thank you, Lord Tyrion," you muttered under your breath as you walked through the halls of the Red Keep. You relationship with your betrothed had been strained over the last few moons, to say the least, but you were determined to be gracious with your treatment of the man.

"Tell me if he ever asks for an audience with you again, My Lady. I can't help you if I don't know what's happening," he told you, his voice gentle as he spoke. "Bronn, could you please escort Lady Sansa to her chambers. Stay outside her door this evening; our king will not be in good temper." He was a kind man, there was no denying that, but he was a Lannister, part of the family who had killed your father. He quickly ushered you into his chambers, shutting the door behind you both and leaving you in silence for a moment. "I understand your hatred for my family, but I'm not them. I want to keep you safe, Y/N." Your eyes met his, before you tilted your head to the side, watching through squinting eyes.

"You have no idea what I've been through; you understand nothing." Your voice was as clear as day as you spoke to him, allowing a bitter smile to grace your features.

"We are both misfits, destined to be alone but fighting against our destiny. We have got to stick together if we want to survive this damned city," he had crossed the room as he spoke, taking your hand in his as he looked up at you.

You pulled away from him, moving over to the table where he kept his wine, pouring you both a cup before taking a seat and gesturing for him to come and join you. "I'm not a misfit," you mumbled before taking a sip, causing him to let out a small chuckle. "But I can't deny that we have at least something in common. Your family hate us both," you continued watching as he nodded in agreement.

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