Samwell Tarly X Forrester!Reader - Runner (Requested)

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Gods, you missed your parents. It felt like an age since you had seen them though you doubted it had really been that long, probably only a few months. At Castle Black, the days felt longer, you thought it might be the cold that had confused your sense of time, after all, it had confused every other part of your being.

You had been forced further into the north when enemy forces had come to your home, threatening you and your parents, who had told you to run. You were hesitant but did as you were told, running as fast as you could in the snow that coated the ground. That evening, there were men out looking for you, but you continued to run, not knowing whose side they were on. These men could kill you where you stood if they were against you and many of them wouldn't even give it a second thought.

So you kept running and running until you reached the wall, where you first came across some of the men from the Nightswatch. The men you found were bickering a little bit away from Castle Black when you fell in front of them, crying and begging for them to help you. They were shocked into silence, not thinking they would find anyone this far out in the middle of nowhere, though when they saw you shivering in the snow in not much more than a thin, dirty gown, they decided to help you. They introduced themselves as Samwell, Pypar, Grenn, and Jon, who moved quickly and helped you out of the snow, wrapping you in his own thick furs and helping to hold up your shaking form when you struggled to stand on your own.

A small argument quickly ensued as the four boys realised that their absence would be noted if they presented you to their brothers at Castle Black. "She needs our help, we can't leave her out here," Jon told them all, Samwell nodding along with him as Grenn scoffed.

"Listen to Mr. gallant over here. We know you aren't worried about punishment Jon, but the rest of us would rather not be hung for abandoning," he told him causing the curly haired boy to glare at him.

"But we can't leave her out here," Samwell spoke up. "The poor girl will freeze to death," he added as he looked at your still shivering form.

"How did she even make it this far?" Pypar spoke up, as he paced slowly in a circle. "She should already have frozen to death out here dressed like that," he added.

"That doesn't matter," Jon spoke, "But we need to get her somewhere warm, and Maester Aemon is the only choice we have. She needs medical attention," he told them and Grenn buried his head in his hands.

"Don't you understand? Right now it's her or us, and we don't even know the girl," he grunted pointing at you and watching as your eyes moved to meet his, making him feel slightly guilty for being so vocal in his opposition of the idea.

"I don't want to get you in trouble, I can say I came up to the gate," you stuttered out, your teeth chattering as you stumbled over your words.

"That could work," Samwell told them all as they thought. "We could say we were walking in the battlements when we saw her outside the walls," he added as Jon nodded in agreement.

"What's your name?" Jon asked you, the other three watching curiously as you spoke again.

"Y/N," you spoke, thinking carefully before continuing. "Y/N Forrester," you told them truthfully.

"Why are you so far from Ironrath, My Lady?" Samwell spoke up concerned as to why a higher born Lady would be this far from her home.

"Ironrath was taken by enemy soldiers; my father told me I hade to leave. It's been months since I've been home," you told him.

*Time Skip*

A few weeks later, you were still at Castle Black. You had been given a room to stay in and were being fed well, considering where you were. Everyday, Samwell would come and check on you along with Jon, you had ended up growing close to the two boys and came to enjoy sitting with them and speaking as if you were old friends.

"We got a raven from Ironrath, your parents have taken back your home, they were asking whether you had been here." Sam told you as he sat between you and Jon in front of the fire, watching as you stared into the flames. "What do we tell them?" he asked.

"I should go home, shouldn't I?" you questioned him as you turned to look at the two boys, watching as they both shrugged their shoulders.

"It's up to you, Y/N, but your parents miss you," Jon told you as he stood back up. "Maester Aemon needs me to serve his dinner, we can talk when we eat," he added as he gave you a small wave and retreated from the room.

"So, what will you do?" Sam asked when the room fell silent and you shrugged at him not sure what else to say.

"I don't want to leave, you guys are like family to me," you told him, pausing before speaking again. "But my parents will be so disappointed if I don't go back," you added and he moved closer to you to wrap his arm around your shoulders.

"We won't force you to leave, Maester Aemon can write back and tell them you were never here if you wanted to stay," he started as he rubbed his hand up and down your arm soothingly.

"I want to stay here," you told him more confidently, as you snuggled into his body, sapping whatever warmth you could gather.

"Then I'll make sure that you never have to leave," Sam murmured as he pressed his lips to the top of your head, causing you to sigh happily as you relaxed into him.

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