Robb Stark X Reader - Long Live the King: Part 2

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The day after the betrothal, you and your Father were asked to dine with Robb and his advisers, and though you were not trained in the art of war tactics you found the conversation interesting, to say the least. Robb was sat to your left, your Father on the other side of you, and Catelyn the other side of Robb. Both parents watched you with interest as dinner went on. The food was surprisingly good for something knocked together at last minute in the middle of a cold, damp field and you ate silently as you watched the people around you talking and laughing.

As you were eating, you found the eyes of Theon Greyjoy, Robb's best friend and closest adviser and he nodded in your direction as he continued to eat. You had met before, when you were children, and you had never been a fan of his. He teased you to no end about how you would rather read than join in a conversation with the other Ladies and Lords at your table during a feast.

"Lady Lyanna," he uttered across the table. "Are you still not one for joining in dinner time conversation?" he asked with a smirk. He had remembered how he had teased you as a child, he had teased everyone but he remembered you specifically, because he could see how it annoyed you, even then.

"I'm afraid, My Lord, that I am not so well versed in the art of war. If I was I would be more than happy to have my say," you smiled sweetly, causing him to become flustered. "It is so nice of you to worry for me though," you added as you went back to your food and you could see he was embarrassed as Robb laughed.

"My Lady, we can talk about something else, what do you find of interest?" Robb asked looking over at you as he grinned.

"History, Your Grace," you smiled back and he tilted his head, motioning for you to continue. "I enjoy reading of the lives of our ancestors, only the other day I read of your ancestor Brandon Stark, and his work in building the wall," you finished as you placed your hands folded into your lap.

"Looks like you've found yourself a beautiful and smart bride, Your Grace, I'd call that a miracle," Lord umber bellowed, laughing out loud as you blushed smiling at him in thanks as Robb beamed at you, his mother watching, still wary.

"It looks like I have, when are we to marry Mother?" he asked, turning to her.

"Not for a while Robb, we have so much left to set up," she told him, her smile small and unenthusiastic as she spoke of your wedding.

"Do you need any help with the setting up of the wedding, Lady Catelyn, I would be happy to help," you told her smiling as she looked at you once more.

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine on my own, Lyanna," she said curtly. "I must take my leave Robb, I have had a long day," she told him rising from her chair, her food sitting hardly touched on the table. There was a chorus of goodnights from yourself and the men sat around the table as she made hasty exit and you watched her go with a small frown. She would be hard to win over, but you weren't done trying just yet.

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