Jon Snow X Reader - Loyal

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The fucking Rabbit had darted. You had been sitting silently in the bushes, poised to loose your arrow when a rustle in the overgrown woods behind you sent it flying away from you, narrowly missed by the arrow you had released in a panic. "Shit," you spat, gathering up your bow, and the two squirrels you had caught earlier, and getting to your feet. This would be the third time this week that you would return with far less food than Castle Black needed to feed the brothers, and though you knew the Lord Commander wouldn't be mad, his disappointed expressions would be enough to let you know that you had let him down. You don't know what had happened, the last few days the animals in the woods surrounding the southern face of the wall seemed to be spooked. It was likely that some Wildling had wondered into your woods at some point or another and given them a fright.

As you were headed back to Castle Black you heard yelling in the distance, quickly and silently moving through the overgrown grass towards the source. You were sure it would be some of the brothers, out riding or testing weapons, or some of the Wildlings hunting for their families. You kept as low to the ground as you could get, surveying in silence until you saw the men in their armour, the metal far better forged than could ever be possible at The Wall, and nothing like that worn by the wild folk. "Lord Snow is psychotic," one of them muttered to the other, his knife sharpening a stick into a thin point. For a moment you turned the statement over and over in your head, Jon wasn't psychotic, moody maybe, but not psychotic.

"Ramsay fucking Snow," the other sighed, catching your attention once more, you crawled forward a little further in an attempt to see their faces. You were so close that you could smell them; they obviously hadn't washed in a few days, and from the sounds of it they had travelled quite a way from home. "Sending us this far north is barbaric, nothing out here but the night watch and fucking rabbits," he added causing his friend to snort in laughter.

"Don't let him hear you saying that," he joked, slowly getting to his feet and stepping towards you. You froze to the spot watching as he took a few long strides in your direction, untying his breaches as he did so. Shit. Of course he wanted to piss exactly where you were hiding. If you moved he would see you, if you stayed he would piss on you. Without a second thought you jumped to your feet, turning tail and darting from away from there clearing. In any other situation it would have been funny, you running from them as the rabbit had run from you just moments before.

"Hey," one of the men yelled after you, his armour clanking together as he chased after you. You were faster than they were, and you were almost out of the woods when your foot snagged in the upturned roots of a tree, dropping you onto your chest in the dirt and taking the air from your lungs. From where you lay on the floor you could see the entrance to Castle Black, the big wooden gates taunting you as the two men grabbed you and pulled you to your feet and back towards their camp.

You were soon tied to their horses, being dragged through unfamiliar woods and out into the open. You travelled for a few days before you arrived at your destination, a large castle, far larger than Castle Black. Within minutes you were thrown to the floor in front of the Lord of the castle who smiled down at you. "And why have you brought this beautiful creature before me?" he questioned, without pulling his eyes from your figure where it was hunched over at his feet.

"We found her close to Castle Black and followed her back there M'Lord, we thought she may have some information about the new Lord Commander," one of the guards announced and your head turned to face him, a glare painted on your face as you watched his proud smile.

"Is that so?" The man asked you, standing and taking a step closer to you, causing you to jump to your feet in an attempt to retreat from his imposing form.

"I wont tell you anything," you spat, gritting your teeth as you watched his face. In the space of a mere second his expression changed, from cocky, to angry and finishing on an amused smirk.

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