Khal Drogo X Reader - A Father's Love (Requested)

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You had never seen a man as obsessively protective as Drogo was during your pregnancy. You husband turned very anxious about the safety of you and the child you were carrying, never leaving your side and making sure that no one came too close to you without you permitting it first. You were glad to have him with you, it was the most attention he had sent your way since your wedding. You knew it was considered weak for him to spend time with you when you were not in bed together, but that didn't mean you liked it, and this gave him the perfect excuse to sit beside you and listen to you talking in your melodic voice instead of riding with the other men.

But having the baby inside of you had led to a shortness in your temper and when Drogo started to scold one of your servants, and closest friends, for spilling some wine you snapped, rounding on him with a glare which caught him off guard. "Will you stop it?" you hissed at him and he stared back at you in confusion. You had never spoken with him that way and he wasn't so sure he liked it but there was not much he could do, so he held up his hands in mock surrender. "It's alright, we all make mistakes," you told the shaking girl, your hand reaching out to grip her own in comfort before dismissing her and struggling to your swollen feet.

"She should be punished for her mistakes or she will not learn," you heard his voice behind you and you rolled your eyes at his comment as your hand drifted over your pregnant stomach, trying to calm yourself before you spoke again.

"If you show people kindness they will respect you. A punished servant is a fearful one, and scared people make mistakes," you told him with a shrug, as if it were the simplest thing in the world, as you began fiddling with the food sitting on the table, trying to find something that even remotely enticed you. You hadn't had a proper meal in days, the taste of horse not sitting well with you anymore.

"I don't need their respect, I'm their Khal," he grunted behind you and you span to face him shaking your head as he continued to speak. "And you should remember not to attempt to overrule my authority, you do not give these slaves orders, I do," he added and you let out a sharp laugh.

"I think it is you who should remember who they are talking to," you growled as you pocked a finger into his chest. "You are going to be a father, and I will not have you threatening our child any time they make a simple mistake," you snapped at him before calming slightly as you glared up at him. "The girl did no harm and she will not be punished. She is under my protection as my servant, " you finished as you moved to leave the tent you had been cooped up in for hours upon hours.

"Y/N, come back," Drogo bellowed at you, not moving to follow as you hurried down the dusty street with your hand holding your stomach. When you made it to your tent you found the serving girl cleaning your dresses and gave her a nod as you sat in one of the plush chairs that you had been given as a wedding gift from another Khalasar in the East. You let your eyes start to drift shut as you thought of how happy you had been to be marrying such a powerful Khal, and how excited you were to be taken by him that evening.

"Thank you Khaleesi," the girl spoke softly from her place on the floor and you reopened your eyes to give her a soft smile. "You'll be a wonderful mother," she added as you met her kind eyes.

"Thank you," you uttered as you shifted in your seat, trying to find a comfortable position in the chair. "Could you run a bath for me? I ache," you told her and she nodded as she rose from the floor of the tent, moving over to the tub to fill it.

"What will you name the child, Khaleesi?" she questioned, looking at you over her shoulder as she poured the oils into the hot water that was collecting in the bottom of the iron tub.

"For a boy, Rhello; for a girl, Erri; though the Khal may disagree," you told her with a small frown and she let out a small chuckle.

"They are beautiful names, Khaleesi, I don't know why the Khal would not want them," she told you and you smiled over at her. "The Khal can be cruel but he does it to protect you and the baby you have in your stomach, Khaleesi. Many men would wish harm to you now," she added and you nodded your agreement.

"When you are done running the bath, would you fetch the Khal for me?" you told her as you stood, beginning to undress as she stopped pouring the water.

"Yes, Khaleesi," she uttered as you slipped your foot into the hot water, letting it soothe your skin as it washed over you. By the time Drogo came into your tent, you were fully submerged in the bath, only your head and the top of your swollen stomach showing above the water line.

"Drogo," you muttered, not yet opening your eyes when you heard him enter. "I should not have yelled," you told him, "And I'm sorry, but I won't have small, fixable mistakes punished so harshly," you told him, only opening your eyes when he remained silent.

"I don't like it, but I'll allow it for now," he told you and you gave him a small nod as you beckoned him closer with one of your hands, droplets of water falling from your fingertips as you extended them out to him. When he took your hand in his you pulled him closer, resting his rough, warm palm against your cool belly where the baby was kicking happily.

"It happens whenever you speak, it's like they are happy to hear your voice," you told him, looking up only to find him grinning down at where his hand met your stomach, overwhelmed by the news, but his face fell when the baby stopped its movements.

"Why does it stop?" he asked and another small kick hit his hand causing you to chuckle.

"Only when they hear your voice, they love you as much as you love them," you reiterated and you both started to smile again and before you knew it he was leaning in to press his lips to your stomach.

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