Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Greyjoy!Reader - Believer

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Believer' by Imagine Dragons, though I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out I had already based an imagine on this song.

You were thirteen the first time your uncle took you to sea with him. You had been excited, staring over the side of the ship as it cut through the water, watching how it rippled around the wood, swirling away and out of sight. It hadn't been a rough day, in fact the sky was clear of any signs of clouds and was at its bluest. Everything about the sea seemed to call to you that day, and your uncle Euron watched on with a smirk on his face, giving you a large smile each time you turned to look for him. You had trusted Euron in that moment, though it didn't last long.

You had already hit the water before you realised that you were even falling, your skirts catching in the current and dragging you under the surface, your head swirling through the water, not knowing which way was up. You had kicked and clawed at the water but the sea was a cruel mistress and it held you in its grip until you were close to giving up, only releasing you once the ship's wake had broken, leaving you bobbing in the water, a small dot in the ocean and so far from the shore that you were certain you would never make it.

If there was ever a time that you were happy that you were wrong it was then. You had kicked for hours back the way the ship had come from, cutting through the water as quickly as you could. There was no rest but after a while the shoreline came back into your view, urging you on.

You had walked out of the sea with your legs tired and aching, your dress sodden and ruined, your hair clinging to your face and scalp, tendrils hanging awkwardly around your shoulders as you stepped onto the sand. Euron was waiting a few feet up the beach but you continued walking, your eyes fixed on your feet. You had lost one of your shoes on the journey, but the one that you had managed to keep was still fixed on your foot, sinking into the sand as you marched through it.

"I knew you'd make it." His voice broke the silence and without even looking up you could sense the smirk on his face. "You're stronger than your brother and sister," he added and you turned your glare on him, not saying a word as you spat at his feet and continued to stalk to where your handmaiden was waiting for you with a robe.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I would have warned you if I'd known," she whispered, wrapping the thin fabric around you, watching as it almost immediately turned into a sodden mess on your shoulders.

"I hold no ill feelings towards you," you told her softly, shrugging back out of the robe and continuing towards the castle.

*Time Skip*

"Six miles." Your Father was smiling down the table at you, his eyes flitting between yourself and Euron. He quickly turned to Yara, his grin plastered to his face. "You barely managed three," he spat and her eyes remained fixed on the plate of food in front of her.

"Theon never even got to the water," Euron added, causing your father to release a sharp laugh.

"It's not like he had a choice," you finally spoke, silencing the two men. "He was taken North when he was a child, you hardly could have left him to die in the sea at that age," you continued and Euron smirked over at you.

"You'll thank us for this, eventually," he murmured and you scoffed.

"I highly doubt that," you growled, glaring down at your food. "I'm not hungry," you finally muttered, pushing yourself away from the table and storming from the room.

*Time Skip*

"You would think that almost being murdered by your own uncle would make a person hate the sea," you muttered, your arm wrapping around the little woman's waist and pulling yourself closer to her on the tavern bench. "But it wasn't the sea that tried to kill me," you continued and she watched you in awe, her lip bitten tightly between her teeth.

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