Petyr Baelish/Robb Stark X Lannister!Reader - Journey (Requested)

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For some reason, unknown to you, your uncle Tywin had decide to send you off into the north, to be married to Robb Stark, despite the fact he was fighting a war against him. He must have high hopes for you, thinking you will make him happy and cause him to stop fighting, but you highly doubted that. It was more likely that you would become his prisoner and live a life with a man you detested. When you were told of your impending marriage, you went running to your best friend Petyr, he always knew what to do when you were in a difficult position. You needed a way out and realised that if you told him how you felt about him he may decide that you could marry him instead. It was a long shot, but you were praying that it would work.

"Petyr?" you questioned as you sat opposite him, each holding a cup of wine, you were holding yours so hard that your knuckles were turning white. He nodded for you to continue talking and you swallowed deeply before talking, "I'm in love with you," you blurted in one go, causing his face to scrunch up, a laugh escaping his lips.

"That's funny Y/N," he chortled, shaking his head.  "But you should not mess with a man's emotions like that, Queen in the North." When he called you that your face dropped and you quickly got to your feet, glaring at him, before turning on your heel and leaving the room, angry tears trailing down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away as you hurried down the empty hallways, hoping you wouldn't come across anyone else before you had to leave for Robb's camp in the morning.

You had truly hoped that Petyr would hear your expression of love and tell you he felt the same. That he would promise to marry you and refuse your uncle's plan to send you North, but it seemed he saw you as nothing more than a joke, someone to poke fun at when they were suffering. You were suddenly quite happy to be leaving King's Landing, it would mean escaping the embarrassment of seeing him again.

*Time Skip*

You had just arrived in Robb's camp and you were far from impressed. The ground was muddy and wet from the rain and the sheer amount of soldiers who had traipsed over it, and if you stood still for too long your feet would sink in. You had already gotten yours stuck once and were hoping to avoid doing so again. You were right that you would not take well to the cold, you had a fur cloak wrapped tightly around you and the cold breeze still left you shivering, your nose and cheeks a rosy pink against your usually pale skin. It was likely that your husband to be would take one look at you and take off running for the hills to escape your less than perfect appearance, you certainly would have in his place.

When you finally met Robb, the rain had slowed, turning into a soft drizzle which made the whole camp seem greyer and more miserable that it had when it was raining heavily. You started to think that maybe the world was foreshadowing your meeting, telling you that your life with your husband would be as miserable as the weather you were standing in as it plastered your now wet hair to the sides of your face.

He was a handsome man, and you started to notice how lucky you would be in your match when he finally spoke to you in his soft voice.

"Lady Y/N, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, especially in such terrible conditions. Come, we can talk inside," he told you and you simply nodded, linking your arm with his when he offered it to you.

The tent you walked into turned out to be quite simple. In the centre stood a large oak table, surrounded by eight matching chairs. It was obvious that it was normally used for dining but for now it would be good enough to keep you sheltered from the cold and rain. Robb quickly pulled out a chair for you before sitting in the one next to it.

"It's good to meet you, I hope you don't mind the circumstances." He was grinning at you as you watched him talk and you noticed he expected a response, it was safe to say that the shock of the cold weather had left you rather flustered.

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