Rhaegar Targaryen X Baratheon!Reader

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"We need to talk," Robert told you as he stormed into the library, where you were sat reading through a book of stories. You quickly looked up when you heard your brother making his loud and abrupt entrance into the otherwise silent room.

"What can I help you with, Robert?" you asked, patting the seat beside you, welcoming him to join you as you went back to flipping between pages. He huffed as he slumped into the obviously too small chair, which creaked and strained beneath his weight.

"There is a rumour from King's Landing," he started and you quickly perked up, closing the book in your hands and turning to face him. "One that involves you," he added causing you to release a deep sigh.

"What are people saying?" you asked, picking at the corner of your thumb nail and biting at your lip.

"That Prince Rhaegar is very taken with you, despite being a married man," he grumbled out and you let out a small chuckle. "This isn't funny, Y/N, this could mean real trouble for us," he scolded you and you rolled your eyes.

"Lighten up. Rhaegar is no more taken with me than you are with the maids you bed from the town," you teased, watching as he turned red.

"Ladies shouldn't talk of such things, it's unseemly," he uttered, causing you to let out a light chuckle.

"I'm sure Rhaegar wouldn't mind," you smirked causing his glare to land on you again.

"Y/N, you need to stop joking about these things. We'll be leaving for the tourney in three days and you act as though this won't be an issue," he growled at you, causing the smile to fall from your face. Robert had never been angry at you before. Annoyed: maybe. Peeved: Definitely. But he was never truly angry; you were his baby sister, always to be cherished and loved, he saved his anger for your brothers.

"It will all blow over. It was harmless flirting, you can't tell me you've never flirted with someone," you told him softly and he gave you a short nod. "Good," you spoke again as you began to reopen the book to a random page, "Now, if there is nothing else, please leave me to my reading. I'll be away from my books for quite some time and I'm certain to miss them," you finished, focusing your eyes on where your finger danced across the page, underlining a random line.

"Fine," he grunted, getting back to his feet and towering over the small table you leant against. "But no more flirting, it's not safe," he added, watching as you looked up at him with a small smile.

"No more flirting. I think I've got it now," you murmured before returning back to your book as he stomped out of the room, the wooden door drifting shut behind him as he clattered down the echoing hallways and back to his chambers.

You were not sure whether you would be able to keep your promise to Robert. Of course it was wrong of you to flirt with a married man, but Rhaegar was the sweetest person you'd ever met. He went above and beyond to make sure you were comfortable the last time you had visited the capital and had kept you company when the other men folk went hunting. He had spent hours attempting to teach you to play varying musical instruments only to give up when it was clear your voice was the only thing you had any musical control over. If you had been friendly with Elia you would likely have stayed well clear of her husband, but she had no interest in you, and you no interest in her. It was uncertain whether you could bring yourself to avoid the charm that seemed to drip from his tongue around you.

When you were younger you had been told you would likely be wed to the prince, if the King were to permit it, though now you were sure every eligible maiden in Westeros had heard the same thing. You were sure of one thing, Rhaegar would never have recognised your younger self. You were an awkward girl, all long limbs and clumsiness; you would fall over thin air, though you were sure it wasn't possible. You were uninterested in the boys and the rough jostling that they seemed to endure daily to impress a future wife. Books were much more exciting to you and you would spend hours sitting alone and enjoying the stories each would tell, though this was unlikely to find you a husband, as your Father had told you many a time. It wasn't uncommon for people to forget about the little Baratheon girl, often hidden away in the library. Despite your lack of interest in most boy, there was one that always seemed to catch your eye. He had silver hair, like the boys in your stories. The stories seemed to adore the Targaryens and their dragons, following them closely. You were sure it was this that had drawn you to him, but you were you and there was no way you could speak with him, though your brothers often did.

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