Oberyn Martell/Jaime Lannister X Reader - Let Me Help You (Requested)

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King's Landing was a dull place compared to where you had expected to be living at this point in your life. You had been promised to one of the Dornish Princes when you were just a girl, but once the Lannister's had become close with your father, he had decided you would be better off if you were married to the Kingslayer.  You had never been keen on the idea, and now that you were his wife you were still unhappy with it.

Jaime could be a kind man at times, in fact, he'd been incredibly caring when you had first moved away from home, and you were missing your family. But when he grew tired of your sadness, he could be mean. One evening, he had found you sniffling by yourself in your chambers and had gone into a rage, asking how you could possibly be unhappy when you were married to him. That was the first time he had hit you, but it wouldn't be the last. He often told you that you were ungrateful, that you should be thankful to be married to him, whilst he was leaving bruises all over your body.

The Ladies of the court always thought it was strange that you wore such heavy gowns in the capital, despite the warm weather. You'd resorted to telling them that you didn't feel the heat like normal women did, when in reality you were covering up for your husband's cruelty. It was the only way to cover up the marks he would stain your skin with, and you hated it. You had enjoyed wearing the thinner and lighter dresses that the other women wore but now you were stuck living in the types of gowns that were fit for the old crones of King's Landing. You resented Jaime for what he did to you, for how he treated you, but there was nothing you could do.

You were caught of guard when someone came to sit beside you in Joffrey's court one morning. You usually sat alone and silent, off to the side where none of the other Ladies would bother you. But on this occasion you heard someone clear their throat as they sat beside you. "Good morning, My Lady," the man spoke quietly and you nodded a greeting without looking away from where Jaime stood next to his nephew. You sat in silence for a few more minutes before the man spoke again. "I find court to be quite tedious, don't you agree?" he questioned, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees as he spoke to you.

You finally looked over at the man, seeing him sending you a charming smile as you gave him a questioning look. "I don't know, I quite like it," you murmured, turning back to face the centre of the room and your husband, who met your eyes before glaring at your new friend. When he turned his gaze back to the King you decided to break your silence. "My husband doesn't look to be a fan of yours," you mumbled, gesturing towards Jaime, who was sending looks in your direction every chance he got. "He can be a jealous man, you should be careful," you added, listening to his light chuckle.

"I'm not the biggest fan of his either, My Lady," he uttered back and you looked at him from the corner of your eye.

"And why would that be?" you spoke softly, tugging down on your sleeves as they started to ride up slightly.

"Our families have never seen eye to eye, especially not since the Baratheon's came to power," he told you, leaning back into the seat and relaxing a little.

"And what family would that be?" you pressed, now turning your head to watch as a smile danced across his lips.

He held out his hand to shake yours. "Oberyn Martell, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he told you and you gave him a small smile as you shook his outstretched hand.

"Y/N Lannister, formerly Estermont," you responded and he chuckled.

"I much preferred your former name, My Lady," he joked quietly and you let out a small laugh, muffling it with your hand. His laugh cut off quickly and you glanced over at him to find him staring at your arms. "What did you do?" he asked as he reached forward, pausing when he saw you flinch away.

"I fell, a few days ago. I went down a couple of steps," you stuttered before getting to your feet, "If you'll excuse me, Prince Oberyn, I'm going to retire to my chambers," you added, quickly making your way from the room, all too aware of the eyes of both your husband and your new friend following you as you left.

*Time Skip*

"Why did you leave so early?" Jaime questioned you whilst you were sitting curled into a plush chair with a book in your hands, you looked up at him in confusion. "I saw you leaving court this morning, why did you leave so early?" he asked again, his face slowly turning red as he glared at you.

"I was tired, so I decided to come back and do some reading," you told him and he stormed towards you, grabbing you by the wrist and sending the book clattering to the floor as he pulled you to your feet.

"Don't lie to me," he spat at you, his face inches from yours as he spoke. "Why were you speaking with Oberyn Martell?" he growled at you and stared at him silently until he raised his fist, bringing it down into your stomach and causing you to cry out. "Answer me," he spat at you and you flinched before doing as you were told.

"He came to talk to me, I was just introducing myself," you cried out, using your free hand to hold your aching stomach. "I'm sorry," you yelped as he dropped you to the floor, your legs too weak to hold yourself up when he released you from his grip.

"The other women will think you're a whore if they see you speaking with other men," he told you, staring down at your crumpled position on the rug. "I can't have people thinking I married a whore," he added and you nodded whilst you sobbed."Stop crying," he finished before moving into the bed chamber, leaving you alone again.

*Time Skip*

"Lady Y/N," Oberyn's voice interrupted your thoughts. You'd been sitting at a table with a handful of other Ladies until very recently and had decided to stay out in the gardens when they'd gone back inside.

"Prince Oberyn, it's good to see you again," you greeted, getting ready to leave. You knew that Jaime would be furious if he heard you had been speaking with Oberyn again and you were willing to do whatever you possibly could to avoid more bruises.

"I trust you've recovered from your fall," he smiled as he spoke and you hated that you would have to walk away from him very soon.

"Of course. I'm probably one of the most clumsy women in the whole of King's Landing," you told him and he chuckled lightly, though it sounded anything but genuine.

"I'm sure you are," he muttered as he moved to sit at the table opposite you, you began to shift uncomfortably in your seat.

"I'm sorry, Prince Oberyn, but I should be going," you uttered as you stood up, tucking the seat back in once you were fully on your feet.

"Are you avoiding me?" he asked as you turned to leave and you turned back, your cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Jaime wasn't happy when he saw us talking last," you told him quietly. "You aren't exactly his favourite person," you added, avoiding his eye contact.

"Don't you have any say in who you talk to?" he spoke quietly, following your lead, but his eyebrows were furrowed as he continued, showing his obvious concern. "What does he do when he's angry?" he questioned and you shook your head at him.

"You shouldn't ask questions like that," you told him, avoiding giving him a proper answer.

"I want to help you, but I can't do that unless you tell me what he's done to you," he started again, his eyes roaming over your face.

You hesitated for a moment before deciding to show him rather than explain. You pulled at the sleeves, letting them rest above your elbow and his eyes went wide at the mismatch of bruises covering your skin.

"Come with me when I leave the capital. I can keep you safe," he told you, reaching across the table to take your hand in his. "Dorne will always welcome you with open arms," he added and you smiled softly at him.

"I want to," you paused in your speech. "He;ll hurt me if he knows I'm planning to leave," you finished and he smiled at you.

"If he lays another finger on you he'll not have a hand left to harm you with," he told you and you released a breath you didn't know you had been holding, taking your seat opposite him again and relaxing slightly for the first time since you had come to King's Landing.

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