Jon Snow X Reader - Wanted

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You rode through the wooden gates that kept castle black, and the people of the watch, set apart from the rest of Westeros. Looking up at the wall of ice separating you from whatever lay on the other side, your heart began beating faster in your chest. You had never been this far north before, though you had often vacationed at Winterfell as a child. You were freezing, hunched over in your saddled slightly as you entered into a courtyard full of men you had never met, most of whom stared at you as if you had grown and extra eye. You were not one to scare easily, but having this many people looking your way was unnerving, to say the least.

You stopped in the centre of the courtyard, staying atop your horse as you glanced around. "I am here to speak with the Lord Commander," you announced to the men, who all just watched you as you became frustrated at the lack of help they were giving you. "Can someone please take me to him?" you added as you dismounted from your horse gracefully, landing on the soft snow and placing a hand on the hilt of your sword. "And one of you find my horse somewhere sheltered to rest, she has come a long way," you added as one man ushered you up some stairs and into an office-like room.

"Lady Y/N, I was not expecting you." Jon Snow smiled rising from his chair to embrace you in a tight hug. You hadn't seen Jon since you had last visited Winterfell, you had been about 14 at the time, but you would never have forgotten his pouty, little face.

"That was the point, Lord Commander. No one could know I was coming here," you told him, trying to keep your eyes away from his. You had told no one that you were leaving King's Landing, but you had no choice but to escape. "They think I killed Joffrey," you said bowing your head further.

"Did you?" he asked causing you to lift your head quickly and glare in his direction. He raised his hands in defence, "You always have had a temper, you can't blame me for thinking you could have done it." The room was silent for a moment, the sound of a crackling fire breaking it only slightly. "Why do they think you murdered him?"

"Because, he gave me to Lord Baelish as a whore," you paused for a moment, shaking your head. "He said that I had bored him and that I should go and be of some real entertainment to some lesser men, and when I refused, he told me that I wouldn't even be a whore because whores get paid," you said with a bitter smile on your face, but your hands clenched into fists at your side. He shook his head and looked at the ground. "They're were rumours going around that he had bruised my pride so I had ended him. I decided to do the smart thing and make a hasty exit," you finished.

"You were right to leave, Cersei would not stop until she received your head if she believed it was you. But you should not have come here, My Lady. We cannot protect you from the crown," he frowned looking up at you.

"I know, I'm not asking to stay, Jon, I want to go to the other side and you are the only crossing," you stated looking as his face contorted in disgust.

"I can't let you do that, you'll get yourself killed out there, and I can't risk having your blood or the blood of my men on my hands when the Lannisters come asking after you. It is out of the question," he watched you with an intense stare as he raised his voice in anger.

"I will find another way, Jon. If i stay here I am a dead woman, at least on the other side I have a chance of surviving," you started. "If you don't let me pass I am dead, there is no one else I can turn to, my father will sell me out the moment I cross his threshold," you added more calmly as you un-tensed you hands, taking a step forward to rest them flat on the desk.

He looked torn for a moment before he finally looked up into your face. "Fine, but you will take my Direwolf with you, he will protect you from anything that would wish you harm," he uttered softly, walking around the desk to pull you into another tight hug before helping you to get your horse ready to travel north into the unknown.

Later that evening, after you had been fed, Jon Snow, the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, stood on the top of the wall with tears in his eyes as he watched the love of his life ride off for most likely the last time.

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