Robb Stark X Reader - Impossible (Requested)

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(A/N) - This imagine is based on the song 'Impossible' by Shontelle, so give it a little listen down below. I hope you all enjoy it.

You hadn't believed that you would ever fall in love, thinking that there would never be a man who would be able to change your opinion on marriage, or the lack thereof it. You hated that women had to marry and have children to be of worth to anyone, deciding instead to care for yourself rather than others. Of course, your mother was where the thoughts had stemmed, she had loved your father with all of her heart until one day he had told her of his mistress, and the child she was carrying. It broke her, and she had told you, time and time again, that she no longer believed in true love.

You shared these opinions until you met the King in the North, and as much as you tried to resist your feelings you found yourself falling for Robb quickly, so you did all you could think of and you avoided him. One evening, you were sitting in the tent your brother had been living in whilst he was fighting alongside Robb when he entered, sending your brother away so that he could speak with you alone. He spent a long time questioning you, asking why you were avoiding him and you panicked, openly weeping in front of him as he watched you, moving to wrap an arm around you and apologising as you explained how you didn't understand what you were feeling. He answered you with a kiss, shocking and pleasing you as he held you close to him.

After a few weeks, most of the Lords and Ladies in Robb's camp had noticed the way you behaved around one another, watching as you fell for him, forgetting about what your mother had told you, and gripping his hand as you strolled around at his side like a well behaved pet dog. One night, after you had dined with the others, Robb took you back to your tent, and you allowed him to make love to you, with the promise that you would soon be married. Of course, you had been wrong.

The next morning, you woke up alone in bed, the sheets stained with your maidenhood. You wished Robb had stayed with you but you knew people would not approve of you laying with one another before your wedding so you tried to understand as you got up and dressed your sore body. You smiled at Robb as you entered the dining hall for breakfast, but he kept his eyes down cast, ignoring your presence as you moved to sit beside your brother. As you ate, you could hear murmuring from the end of the table, met with laughter from some of the men sitting there. You looked up to see Theon Greyjoy smirking over at you and quickly looked to Robb, his face was red and embarrassed as he glanced up at you. You quickly shook off the disappointment that he had told his men of what had happened the night before. It was what men did and you would have to get used to it when living in a war camp. Later that day, you were sitting reading when Theon came to join you, telling you he had a message from Robb for you, and then he broke your heart as he told you that Robb was to marry another woman instead of you.

You found yourself in tears at the King's actions once again, wiping at your face as you thought of how stupid you had been to trust him so easily. Of course he wouldn't marry you, he had never thought you worthy of being his Queen. You had given yourself to this man fully and now that he had what he wanted he had dropped you for another woman as if you were worth nothing. You had allowed yourself to be happy and he had torn it from you, leaving you feeling broken and empty as you quickly rose to your feet, storming into the tent Robb had been using as an office to find him sitting with three other men.

"I trusted you," you growled at him, watching as his face turned red from embarrassment, looking over to the other men who were watching on in confusion. "Tell them what you did, you coward," you added in a hiss and he rose to his feet to try and comfort you, causing you to step away from him. When he showed no signs of speaking you did so for him. "Your king told me we were to be married. He fucked me. And now he's going to go and marry the Frey girl at the Twins without a second thought," you hesitated before speaking again. "And I pity the poor girl for having to live with him," you finished, shooting him a glare. You paused for a moment, falling silent as you continued to stare at him. "I fucking hate you," you uttered, your voice breaking as you turned and walked out of the tent.

As you stormed to your tent, your face stoney, you could hear Robb shouting after you. Ignoring him as well as you could, you quickly stepped inside before allowing the tears to fall fully. You watched as he walked inside, taking in your broken appearance where you sat crumbled on the cold floor. "I'm sorry," he started as he knelt down beside you trying to put his arm around your shoulder.

"You're not sorry; you're inconvenienced, there's a difference," you told him, shoving him away from you with all the force you could muster. "Just leave me alone," you continued, and he stood, holding up his hands in defeat as he walked out of your tent. You knew you should have listened to your Mother's advice, and when you didn't you had allowed your heart to be broken by the one man you had ever cared about.

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