Edmure Tully X Frey Reader- Sinner's Prayer

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A/N - This chapter is based off of the song 'Sinner's Prayer' by Lady Gaga. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Lord Edmure, I hope I don't disappoint you," you uttered, keeping your voice as soft as you could and giving him your sweetest smile, looking up at his face from between your lashes as you knelt before him. He looked awe struck, his jaw hanging loose slightly and his eyes wider than usual. He let out a small scoff, coming to his senses and leaning to help you to your feet, leading you up to the alter.

He gave you a small smirk before speaking. "You are a delight to me, My Lady," he murmured, just loud enough so that your father would be able to hear him speaking. Of course he would flatter you, but it was aimed just as much towards your father as it was to you. It was common for a man to try and flatter his Good Father, especially when he held as much power as your own did, especially when he was able to grant them endless power in the wars to come.

The ceremony all seemed to become a blur as you kept your false smile plastered to your lips, faltering just barely when the cloak fell across your shoulders, taking a moment to look over to your father and watching him send a smirk towards the King in the North. The smile was soon back however, as you turned to face the maester and held out your hand to be bound to the man beside you for the rest of his life. It didn't take the men long to scoop you up and hurry you off to your bedding ceremony, however perverse the ritual may have been, it was tradition and tradition must always be upheld.

It wasn't long after you had finished the bedding ceremony that you heard Lady Catelyn scream, and all it took was your hand resting lightly on your new husband's shoulder and a slight head shake to tell him that something wasn't right. He tried to bound from the room but when he reached it he found it locked, trapping the two of you in together.

"Let me out of here immediately," he growled, stalking towards you, as threateningly as he could, though all you did was let out a snort of laughter.

"I don't have a key," you told him with a smile. "And if I did I wouldn't free you," you added and his face scrunched up in anger, contorting into something much uglier than his usual expression. "Come now, Edmure, I can't have you getting yourself killed before you can even put a babe in my belly," you chuckled, turning your back on him and taking a few steps towards the bed. You reached up, moving your hair aside to give him a view of the soft skin of your neck.

"You're insane. Have your men release me at once," he added, pausing from stalking around the room. You could feel his eyes on you, letting them run all over your body and almost considering giving in to you.

"This would be so much easier if you just gave in," you hummed, not moving from your spot, as if he were a fawn and any slight movement may startle him away. "You can't help them," you added, just above a whisper. As if a switch had been flipped Edmure came out of his trance, storming forwards and spinning you around, grabbing you by the neck.

"You're a bitch," he spat at you, his teeth bared, but you stood still, not responding to his grasp. "You're a cunt and I'm going to make your life miserable," he continued, growing less patient and louder as he went. He stilled when he saw the sad smile dance onto your lips, allowing his hand to loosen its grip.

"Edmure, you have no control here; my father owns you," you started your voice smooth as the wine you had tasted at your brother's most recent wedding. Usually your father didn't allow the girls wine, why waste good wine on a soft-minded woman? But you were no soft-minded woman, you were smarter and more cunning than all of your brothers combined, and your father adored you more than any of his other children, or grandchildren. "You're even more of a fool than my father suggested," you added when a look of confusion came to his face.

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