Petyr Baelish X Reader - Sleepless nights (Requested)

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You hadn't slept in days. You would lie awake in your bed, next to your husband, and stare at the ceiling, unable to bring yourself to close your eyes and relieve your tiredness. You had dark circles growing under your eyes, and your skin was paling more and more by the day. You could tell that Petyr knew something was wrong; he was worried about you, asking you an endless list of questions. He would be so mad if he knew that you were allowing yourself to get so ill without having asked for his help. 

The week before you had been in a traumatising situation. You had been walking in the city with a guard to protect you when there had been an ambush. Someone who was not so keen on Yourself and Petyr had hired someone to hurt you. The man had dodged past your guard, a knife in his hand as he slashed at you, catching your arm with the blade and moving to come at you again. Your guard had him on the floor before he could make another move, his sword going through the man's skull with ease, before he checked that you were okay. You hadn't told Petyr about the incident, you didn't want to worry him, so you told him the cut came from a cat which you had stupidly tried to pick up in the gardens.

"Y/N, what are you doing awake?" you heard Petyr's voice cut through the silent bedroom, turning to see him leant up on one elbow, his eyes surveying you in the dark. You turned on your side so that you were face to face and shrugged at him, happy to have a distraction from all of the shadowy corners of the room.

"I couldn't sleep," you told him calmly as you moved towards his now outstretched arms, burrowing into his chest and getting as comfortable as you could. Feeling the safest you had done in over a week, your eyes drifted closed and you finally fell asleep in your husband's arms.

*Time Skip*

You awoke the next morning alone in your bed, the sound of careless clattering filling your ears. "Petyr?" you questioned, sitting up to find your husband pacing around the room, his desk empty of the items that they usually held, a pot of ink shattered on the floor, surrounded by quills and paper.

"You lied to me," he hissed at you, not looking up to meet your eyes. "Do you realise how stupid that is? You could have been killed," he added, raising his voice in anger.

"Petyr, I'm sorry," you started softly, pausing for a moment. "I didn't want to concern you," you told him. "You've been so busy with Eddard coming to the Capital that I didn't want to add this to your stress," you added, whimpering when his eyes met yours.

"I'm never too busy for you to tell me things," he uttered, moving towards you and placing one of his hands on your cheek, rubbing his thumb across the soft skin and allowing a small smile to find it's way onto his lips.

"I'm sorry," you murmured and he nodded before pressing his lips gently to your forehead.

"It's alright," he answered, his chin still pressed against your head, his light stubble tickling the skin. "Gods, I could've lost you," he uttered, hovering against you. "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you," he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear his words.

*Time Skip*

Since Petyr had found out about the incident in town, he had requested that you don't leave the Red Keep unless he was with you. He kept you at his side whenever he could afford to, though the King had begun to grow tired of your silent presence.

"Does your wife speak, Baelish, or did you marry a mute?" he had joked one afternoon as you dined with the rest of the council members.

"She does, Your Grace. But Y/N can be quite shy around new company," he answered politely and you gave the King a small smile, as sweet as you could manage.

"And do tell me, Baelish. How did you manage to trick such a beauty into marrying you?" the King spoke gruffly and you looked at him in question.

"I beg your pardon, Your Grace," you spoke, pausing when Petyr's hand squeezed yours. "But, there was no trickery involved. Petyr simply showed me a kindness that other Lord's seemed incapable of," you spoke, your voice level but warning.

"I was just joking, girl. Don't take it so personally," the King grumbled, laughing and wheezing, whilst everyone else remained silent.

"Your Grace," Petyr spoke up beside you as you returned to your food. "I was wondering if maybe I could ask you a question," he paused again and waited until the King nodded. "I was wondering why your wife's family sent an assassin after my own wife," he spoke shortly and you almost spat out your food as you saw the King grow red in the face.

"Petyr," you hissed under your breath. "What are you doing?" you added quietly and he simply squeezed your hand tightly in his.

"What exactly are you accusing my wife of, Baelish?" the King growled. "You would do well to hold your tongue. You are talking with your King," he added, glaring at your husband.

"I am well aware that the man who attacked Y/N in town was one of Tywin Lannister's men, and I would like to know why he made an attempt on my wife's life," Petyr spoke, his voice low as he watched the King who was glaring at the two of you.

"It will be looked into, Lord Baelish," Lord Stark finally spoke up, catching your attention. "You have my word," he finished and Petyr nodded before rising to his feet.

"If you'll excuse us, we have other matters to attend to," Petyr smiled at the men at the table, pulling you to your feet and allowing you to give a short curtsey to the King before dragging you from the room.

You were almost at your chambers when you spoke again. "How did you know he was one of the Lannister's men?" you asked, your hand still firmly in Petyr's.

"I know a lot of things, My Love," he told you and you stopped moving, causing him to come to a halt with you.

"You don't get to keep things from me, Petyr," you hissed at him as you released his hand and his face dropped as he nodded.

"Of course," he uttered, moving to kiss your forehead gently. "One of my spies was in the crowd that day, he told me of your attacker," he continued and you nodded slightly, your forehead still pressed against his lips as you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"The King will be angry with you," you mumbled into his chest as he pulled you closer, forgetting for a moment that you were still in one of the open hallways.

"I don't care. What matters is that I keep you out of harms way. I don't care about anything else," he told you softly, his chin resting on top of your head as he gave you a tight squeeze before releasing you, pulling you towards your chambers.

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