Willas Tyrell X Martell!Reader - Happy (requested)

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A/N - This imagine is set before Robert's Rebellion. Therefore, Elia and Rhaegar as still happily married.

"Y/N, come," Oberyn started softly, his arm resting gently resting around your shoulder as you attempted to stem your sobs, " he will not be as bad as you think and you shouldn't waste your tears over it." You wanted to stop crying, to get rid of the sting that lingered in your eyes, but nothing that your cousin could do or say seemed to be having an effect. "You love flowers," he added, "Highgarden will be perfect for you." You were only 15 and you were being made to leave Dorne in order to marry Willas Tyrell. Your families had wanted you to join the two houses for longer than you could remember, and now that you were a full woman you were expected to do what was right by your house and go through with the marriage.

"It's miles away," you sobbed, choking on your words as he frowned at you, "and I'll be all alone."

"He is nice," he paused for a moment, "and handsome too," he added softly as he rubbed your back.

"He may be handsome but he's a cripple," you spoke harshly, you had never been this mean before but you were desperate for someone to allow you to stay in your home, causing you to be a little crueler than usual.

"A cripple who is the heir to High Garden, and who rears the finest Hawks, Horses and Hounds in the Seven Kingdoms," he retorted, causing you to let out a bitter laugh.

"If you love him so much why don't you marry him?" you scoffed as he started to chuckle.

"Willas isn't quite as open-minded as many Dornish men," he told you, watching as you brow furrowed slightly, "he only enjoys the company of women in his bed," he laughed until he noticed the glare you were sending his way, your eyes red and tearful. "He is a good man, and he will keep you safe," he finished more seriously as he stood to leave your chambers.

"Dornish people should never leave Dorne," you told him as he reached the door.

"My sister is living proof that you are wrong. Elia is very happy living in King's Landing with Rhaegar, as you will be living with Willas in Highgarden," he spoke softly but you knew not to argue with him as he left your chambers, leaving you to cry alone.

*Time Skip*

Highgarden truly was as beautiful as you had been, but your husband seemed to be growing tired of you timidness and he had started to worry about whether you would ever fit in within his home.

"M'lady, Lord Willas requests your presence in his chambers" your handmaiden told you as you smiled at her, nodding your thanks before rising from the rug you had been sitting on whilst you read.

You grew nervous on your journey to his chambers, worry lingering in your chest and leaving you a little breathless as you reached the door. You paused for just a moment, before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

"I was told you required me," you uttered softly, watching as he glanced up at you with a frown.

"Do you like living in Highgarden?" he asked you, glancing away from you when he watched your brow furrow in confusion.

"Yes," you told him watching as he tilted his head to the side, surveying your face for a moment. He really was handsome, not the ugly, old man you had expected when you were told of his crippled leg. His eyes were kind and a dazzling shade of blue, his hair dark and thick, covering both his head and a majority of his chin. It had tickled your own as he kissed you on your wedding day, and once again when he had bedded you for the first time.

"I feel as if you are not finished with that sentence," he murmured,  gesturing for you to come and take a seat beside him.

"I miss Dorne," you started softly, coming and kneeling beside him, "and I miss my family, especially my cousin," you continued, watching as he gave you soft smile.

"How is Oberyn? We haven't spoken since he took me off of my horse" he chuckled softly, though it didn't seem entirely cheerful as he rested his hand on his crippled leg, looking down at it.

"Is that how you hurt your leg?" you asked suddenly watching as he nodded softly, unable to make eye contact with you. "You know, as your wife I am strangely happy that you can't join in the tourney's any more. It should mean that you'll always come home safely to me," you told him as you rested your hand on top of his own, causing him to smile down at you. "Oberyn never told me what happened, would you tell me?" you asked and he turned his hand to hold yours as he explained how your cousin had knocked him from his horse which had fallen, crushing his leg in the process. You listened to his voice, intrigued by the story as you rested you head against his broad shoulder. 

"I forgave him. I'm not sure he truly forgave himself for what happened to me, though," he finished as he played with your fingers absentmindedly.

It was in that moment that you decided that you were happier having a smart and handsome husband who encouraged your curiosity and listened to you, than you ever would have been with some Dornish knight.

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