Jon Snow/Robb Stark X Pregnant!Reader

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You knew you had everyone's attention as soon as you entered Castle Black. You were no mere woman, not scared of war and the gore that came with it, and definitely not scared of a bunch of thieves and rapists. You had lived the last few months on a battlefield, unlike like other Westerosi women. The Crows were also not used to seeing a pregnant woman, like yourself, riding without a husband, it was practically unheard of in the Seven Kingdoms.

The first time you met Jon Snow, you had a dagger to his throat and a scowl on your face. "What are you doing in my chambers?" you had hissed at him, ready to make the kill if need be. You would do anything to protect the child growing inside of you, and in that moment, murder didn't seem so hard.

"The Lord Commander sent me; he requested your company in his chambers," he breathed out and you quickly released him, taking a step away.

"Thank you," you breathed out, you cheeks tacking on a slight red hue. "In future, you should knock before barging into my chambers," you added as you put your dagger back in its sheath at your hip.

"I'm sorry, My Lady, but I did knock," he answered, keeping his eyes on the floor as he spoke. He was shy and you would have some fun with this.

"Are you my husband?" you asked, looking over to see him shake his head, brow furrowed in confusion. "My lover?" you questioned with raised eyebrows. He shook his head again, his face still red. "Then I am not your Lady," you finished with a small smirk.

"I'm sorry, what do I refer to you as?" he asked, avoiding your eye contact as you watched him.

"My name is Y/N, you can call me that. What is your name?" you answered sweetly, taking a deep sip from the cup sitting on your table.

"Jon Snow," he spoke softly and your mouth fell open as you stared at his face in shock.

"Eddard Stark's son?" you spluttered out before taking another long sip of your drink, watching as he nodded once more. "It's good to finally meet you; Robb adored you," you told him softly.

"How did you know Robb?" he asked quickly, moving to stand across the table from you as tears pricked at your eyes.

"He was my husband," you told him softly, your hands shaking as you set down the cup, your drink splashing onto the dark wood of the table.

The room was silent for a long time before Jon spoke up. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help him," he whispered lightly and you gave him a sweet, soothing smile.

"He understood. You had your oath and the Night's Watch needed you," you told him softly. "You didn't have any other choice," you added, moving around the table to give him a tight hug.

"I'll keep you safe, and the baby. He would have killed me if I didn't," he told you as he pulled away, moving towards the door in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" you asked, attempting to follow behind him and staggering a little, only for him to steady you.

"I have to talk to the Lord Commander. I need you to stay here so that I can keep you safe," he told you as he helped you to settle into one of the wooden seats that surrounded the table.

"The wall is no place for woman or a baby. Once I am able, I will go back to my family in Volantis," you told him and a deep frown settled on his face.

"You are a Stark now. Your place is here in the North, not in Volantis. Your child is the heir to Winterfell, they will be the Warden of the North," he told you, his face scrunched in concern.

"Winterfell doesn't belong to the Starks anymore Jon; there is nowhere for me to go but to my home," you told him sternly, pausing for a moment before adding. "I need my family," watching as his face softened slightly, and he gave you a short nod of agreement.

*Time Skip*

Jon road with you and your son until you reached the King's road. It would be a long time until you reached Volantis but it would be better than being homeless in the bitterly cold North. You were sad to leave Jon behind however, the two of you had grown close during your time at the wall and he was family now.

"If I could come with you, I would," he uttered in your ear as he gave you a tight hug.

"I know," you answered, tears clouding your vision. "Good luck Jon," you added as you pulled away, smiling into his face.

"Good luck Y/N," he answered with a small, sad smile. "Goodbye Robb," he cooed at your baby before helping you back onto your horse and riding for your home.

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