Jaime Lannister X Reader - Honour and respect (Requested)

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Gods he was perfect. You had been falling deeply in love with Jaime Lannister since he had first come to your village. You were only 12 when he rode in on his horse, and you had watched from the shared bedroom of your families home. There was a small hole in the wall right next to your bed and when you heard the thundering of hooves coming in you'd become curious, pressing your face to the cold wood to look out, only to find the most beautiful man you had ever seen sitting in the centre of the road. You could tell he was highborn from the way his armour fit him perfectly, unlike all of the boys in the village who had hand-me-downs. Of course, he didn't see you, though you were rather sad he hadn't. You would have loved to hear his voice, to know where he was from, though you doubted he was northern, he was too fair for that. You felt rather sad when he left, and pulled yourself away from the hole, squeezing your eyes shut tight to try and remember him in your mind.

"I saw him too, you know?" your sister spoke from the bed beside yours, making you shoot your eyes open to look at her, she chuckled as you attempted stutter an excuse out. "He's a Lannister, you can tell from the colour of his hair," she told you, pausing for a moment. "He's trouble," she added more seriously, causing you to laugh at her.

"It's not like he'd ever give me the time of day, stop being ridiculous," you told her before rolling over to face away from her and you heard her let out a sigh.

"Y/N, you are prettier than almost every highborn Lady I have ever seen, you'd be surprised by who would pay attention to you," she uttered from behind you, and you huffed before speaking again.

"It will never happen, now go to bed," you grumbled without turning to look at her again, but you could tell she had rolled her eyes at you before deciding to leave you be.

You spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, unable to sleep as you thought about the man with the golden hair. You wished you could see him again but you doubted you ever would, no one ever came to your village, it was just a little place out in the country and you all kept to yourselves most of the time.

*Time Skip*

The next time you saw the man was seven years later, you were a few inches taller and had grown into a beautiful young woman. You were slowly growing used to being stared at by perverted old men, learning to ignore them rather than engage with the crude things they said to you. The whole village was celebrating in the roads, having heard the news that the new King had been coronated the day before in King's Landing. You were dancing and laughing with your sister when you noticed the three men in armour hovering of to the side of the celebrations on the backs of their horses. Everyone else seemed to be too drunk and merry to notice them, and you probably wouldn't have either if the tall one in the middle hadn't taken off his helmet, revealing the man you had watched when you were younger.

You quickly grabbed your sister's hand and shook it to get her attention on you before gesturing with your head towards the men. As she looked over, you saw her eyes go wide and she squealed quietly at you. "Go over," she gushed at you with a large smile.

"And say what? When I was 12 you came to our village and I became absolutely infatuated with you. Are you insane?" you asked her in disbelief and she chuckled shaking her head at you.

"Just go over there, you don't have to say anything at all. Trust me, he'll come to you," she uttered as she used her fingers to fix your hair, before pushing you in the direction of the men. You decided to follow her instructions, knowing that you'd never hear the end of it if you didn't.

You found yourself leaning against a short stone wall, which circled the makeshift dance floor, watching as people danced around happy and intoxicated. Every now and then you would look over at the men out of the corner of your eye, and eventually saw that one of the others was watching you back, though he was not the one you wanted to notice you. You let out a deep sigh and relaxed, only to jump when your thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

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