Lord Varys X Baratheon!Reader - Treason (Requested)

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You had first come into the private company of Lord Varys after your brother, Joffrey, had questioned you. He had been questioning your hair, the thick, dark tendrils which hung low on your back, comparing them to his thin golden locks, and your eyes, which were almost black where his own were light blue. You knew why he was asking; there was talk of you being the only rightful Baratheon child after Lord Stark had spoken out against Joffrey. However, he had grown angry whilst speaking with you in front of his people, and he was well aware that being King had its perks as he ordered his guard to hurt you, to make an example of what happened to those who didn't answer his questions.

Your eyes had met your Mother's after the first blow had hit your face, leaving you on your knees on the floor, as she remained silent, her pain clear. But there was nothing she could do, to speak out against your brother would be considered treason and you all knew how that had ended for the Starks.

Luckily, your uncle Tyrion had made an appearance during the 'punishment', helping you to your feet and leading you out of the throne room.

"He's going to kill me," you had whispered once you were in private, meeting your Uncle's eyes with your own heavily bruised one. "And Mother will do nothing to stop him," you added as he pulled you into a tight hug.

"Your Mother may not, but I won't let him hurt you," he uttered, his grip on you comforting. "I want you to go to Lord Varys if you ever cannot find me, he will keep you as safe as I would," he told you giving you a soft smile when you looked at him in disbelief. "I trust him," he added before moving away from you again to go to his writing desk.

"Varys bent the knee to Joff, why would he protect me from him?" you asked still confused by your Uncle's choice of friend.

"Varys knows a lot more than either your Mother, or the King, thinks he does," Tyrion whispered, thinking to himself for a moment before speaking again. "He knows about your claim to the Iron Throne and he wants you to take it," he finished.

"What are you talking about?" you asked him shaking your head at him.

"The rumours are true, Y/N. You are the only true Baratheon left in King's Landing. You are the rightful Queen," he started with a deep sigh.

"And we are going to help you take your place on the Throne, My Dear," Varys' voice came from behind you, causing you to jump out of your chair, turning to face him with a hand on your heavily beating heart. "I'm sorry to have scared you, Princess," he added with a small smile and a nod.

"It's fine, My Lord," you spoke softly. "I wasn't expecting you to be here," you explained as you calmed yourself and retook your seat.

"Now," Varys started as he sat across from you. "Who in this Kingdom do you trust to ally themselves with you?" he asked with a smile.

*Time Skip*

"I must see my Uncle," You whispered at Varys, you face red and your brows furrowed as you hissed.

"You need to leave King's Landing," he started, keeping his voice as low as he could manage. "You are as much a suspect in the King's death as Lord Tyrion, and they will not hesitate to have you killed," he continued, giving you a tight hug.

"I can't leave him," you muttered, tears springing to your eyes as you began to think. "I wouldn't know where to go, we have no allies," you added with a quiet sob.

"Go to Meereen, fall on your knees before the Dragon Queen, and promise to follow her wherever she may go," he told you, smoothing your hair out of your face quickly.

"She'll kill me," you yelped out through your tears. "She hates my family, my father is the reason her family is dead," you added, sniffling as you went.

"She is said to be merciful, and she knows that you are not your Father," Varys answered finally before moving away, coming back with a bag of coins, some food and a small dagger. "Make sure to protect yourself; it's not safe for a woman to travel alone, but it's the only option we have," he added with a small smile.

"Thank you," you murmured as you launched yourself into Lord Varys' arms, still in tears.

"There is nothing to thank me for, dear girl," he told you as he allowed you to hold onto him for a second longer. "Now, you must go or you won't make it out alive," he added as he pushed you away towards the tunnel, which led out of the city and to a waiting ship.

Varys watched as the ship set sail out of the docks, heading to far off lands where he was unsure of your future. The Targaryen girl was merciful but he was not so sure if she would be so kind when faced with someone with a strong claim to her throne. He hoped that he would live long enough to see you return safely to King's Landing to take your rightful place at the head of the monarchy, however unlikely the hope may have been.

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