Ramsay Bolton X Stark!Reader - I Was Born To Make You Happy (Requested)

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You were clutching onto Sansa's hand like you thought she was going to disappear, her fingers slowly turning red under the pressure. You had never been scared to be returning to Winterfell before, but this time it was different. This wasn't your home anymore, it was the place where Theon Greyjoy murdered your brothers, the place that Roose Bolton, the man who had plotted to murder your mother and Robb, had taken as his own. You had heard of all the terrible things that Roose's son had done before being made into a true Bolton, and you were worried for your sister, who was supposed to be married to the man.

Maybe he wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he would be sweet and caring around her, where he was ruthless and cruel around others. Maybe he would be a protective husband, and use his skills as a well known 'psychopath' to keep her safe from those who tried to hurt her. Or maybe he would hurt her so bad that she wouldn't even be able to look him in the face anymore. They were all possible outcomes, though some seemed more likely than others.

You had been waiting in the courtyard for around ten minutes before the Boltons finally turned up to welcome you. Roose was terrifying. He seemed to command everything around him, and as much as you hated him for what he had done to your family, you were in awe of the sheer amount of power he held.

Ramsay, however, didn't look too dangerous upon first glance. His curly hair and rounded face didn't give off the feeling of a killer, like you had thought it would, but when you looked into his eyes you could sense that something wasn't right, and you could see his sadistic side sneaking through.

You were caught off guard when you saw Roose Bolton's wife. She was a plump little woman and she looked almost as terrified as you felt. You couldn't blame her, she couldn't have been much older than Sansa and she had been alone with these men for some time. She looked shocked when you gave her a small smile, trying to offer her some comfort, but eventually she smiled back and you were hopeful that you had found yourself at least one friend here.

"Welcome to Winterfell," Roose's voice echoed around the almost empty courtyard, it was far too quiet, when you had lived here it was never like this. You were used to it being filled with your family, the boys yelling and fighting whilst Arya tried to join in, maids and blacksmiths and guards chuckling as she ducked between them all with her little wooden sword, chasing after the boys with all of her might as your mother and father watched on.

Gods, it was different now. It was just the five of you standing in the courtyard, the rest was empty of anything, there was no laughter, no happiness, it was just a void. And in that moment you hated the Boltons even more. Not only had they helped to destroy your family, they had destroyed your home too. You longed for Jon to come through the door and to put his sword through the two men in front of you, to punish them for what they had done. Just be back with him and have more of your family together again would be a dream in itself. But he didn't come and you were left feeling heartbroken as the Boltons watched you.

It was obvious from your face that you were angry, your mouth set in a deep frown and your eyes hooded as you glared at the two of them. "Y/N and I are tired," Sansa started, her voice sweet and sickly, and you couldn't figure out quite how she managed to sound so calm. "We've been travelling for a long time and need some rest, can we be shown to our chambers?" she added, and Roose nodded as another of your least favourite men stepped from the doors and into the courtyard, bringing tears to your eyes. You heard Sansa whisper his name in shock at his appearance. He was pale and covered in dirt, his hair long and tangled, his chin covered by a scruffy beard, and you could smell him from where you stood.

"Reek, show the Ladies to their chambers," Ramsay commanded and Theon quickly nodded and gestured for you to follow him. The two of you hesitated, watching as the man you had grown up with, the man who had betrayed you all, moved away and back into the castle. "Go on, I have him well trained, he wont hurt you," Ramsay taunted as he pointed in the direction he had gone, watching as you followed a few steps behind him.

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