Jaime Lannister X Reader - Forget

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You were over the moon when you had first been introduced to Jaime Lannister. You were 16 and he was handsome, and charming, and soon, he would be your husband. Of course, there was the problem of his over protective twin sister. Cersei didn't think you were good enough for her brother and she didn't hesitate to let you know so. During their visit, she was often found making jokes at your expense, only stopping when her father told her to, though you saw jaime giving her looks of distaste when she spoke cruelly about you. He was, of course, a true gentleman for the few days he was with you, walking with you in the gardens and pulling out your chair for you at dinner.

Soon after the visit, you travelled with your Mother and Father for the wedding, which would take place in King's Landing rather than his father's home. You were new to being in the big city and were a little worried about the wedding but Jaime made sure you were happy and comfortable whilst helping you to settle in to your new life in the Capital.

The ceremony and feast went by without a problem, despite Cersei's glares being sent your way throughout the day, and when it came to the bedding ceremony Jaime was gentle, making sure you were not in pain as he made love to you in your, now shared, bed. You could hear the cheering through the doors and went bright red in the face, knowing you had both been quite vocal during the act, but he merely shrugged when you mentioned it. "It is nothing to be ashamed of, they are always desperate for some entertainment," he told you before kissing you again and climbing from the bed completely naked to get himself a cup of wine. You watched him happily from you spot in the middle of the bed, laying on your stomach so that you could watch him moving around the room.

"Jaime, does your sister hate me?" you asked him curiously as he turned to face you, raising an eyebrow in question. "She never seems very happy when I'm around, I was just wondering," you told him and he chuckled.

"You say the strangest things, Y/N," he told you, shaking his head. "I wouldn't say she hates you, she just isn't very good with other women. She grew up around boys, didn't have very many female friends," he told you and you laughed.

"I grew up with only brothers as well and I don't go around scowling at any of their wives," you told him and he laughed as he moved back over to the bed, making you turn your head to be able to keep him in your sights. He started to rub his hands over your back as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.

"Then you are a much better woman than Cersei," he chuckled as he pressed kisses further up your neck, quickly rolling you onto your back to kiss you passionately as you chuckled at his now very overtly sexual advances, his hands roaming over your body as you played with his hair, deepening the kiss you were sharing.

*Time Skip*

You were laying in bed, covered by the blankets to keep you warm as you finally opened your eyes. You yawned and stretched before searching for your husband in his usual space behind you, though it was now empty. groaning, you hefted yourself onto your sore feet, struggling off of the bed to get yourself something to drink before calling for your handmaid to dress you.

"My Lady, Ser Jaime told me that he would see you after court," she spoke as she laced your dress. You stood in front of the mirror as she worked, running your hand over your swollen, pregnant belly. You nodded your agreement as she finished lacing the dress.

"Thank you, you're excused," you murmured as you made your way to the door. You enjoyed watching the King speaking with the people, especially when Jaime was sitting beside him, protecting him from anyone who would wish him harm. As you made your way down the halls, you saw your sister by law coming towards you and gave her a small smile and a nod before hurrying past until you heard her voice.

"Wait, come here," she uttered, her voice void of emotion, as it always was when she spoke with you. You did as you were told, turning to face her and moving towards her slowly, Cersei normally avoided any communication with you and you were wary of her sudden interest.

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