Gregor Clegane X Stark!Reader

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A/N - I am aware that Gregor is not like this in either the books of the show but I felt the need to give him some emotions because he is not put into stories in a positive way (As Ramsay and Joffrey are) in fan fiction enough.

Gods, you wanted to punch this guard with every fibre of your body. He was blocking the door into the King's court, not allowing you to enter as you listened to the pained cries of your younger sister, Sansa. If it weren't for Tyrion Lannister clearing his throat behind you, you would have knocked the guard's helm off, but it would have been a rather bad idea in front of the Hand of the King.

"Step aside. Lady Y/N has every right to sit in on court," he spoke up, giving you a small nod which you returned before shoving through the doors and striding angrily towards the foot of the Iron Throne, where your sister sat sobbing on the floor.

"Lady Y/N, what a pleasant surprise," the King laughed, his lips turning up into his signature cruel smirk, the one you had always wanted to smack off of his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" you spat back leaving a small pause before you spoke again "Your Grace," you added, almost snarling at the man in front of you. Your voice gripped the room as though it were venom, setting everyone like stone in their seats as they watched on, eager to see how the King would respond. No one could speak to him as you did. No one had the protection you did.

It was then that you realised that he would not be speaking. The bitter scowl on his face told you that your husband had entered the room. You suddenly stood a little taller, a smirk of your own creeping onto your lips as the child King became frozen like his subjects had.

Not one person in their right mind would threaten you now. Not with Gregor Clegane standing so closely behind you, ready to harm anyone who even looked at you funny. Of course, he was under the King's orders, but when it came to you, none of that seemed to matter.

"If it isn't too much bother, Your Grace. I would like to know what my sister has done to warrant her beating," you addressed the shaking child in front of you forcing a smile onto your face before turning to help your sister to her feet. Gregor quickly passed you his cloak, allowing you to drape it around her and maintain her modesty as you held her close to you.

"She is of traitors seed," Grand Maester Pycelle spoke up in his raspy, and frankly rather creepy, voice. His words set off a wave of whispers in the crowd, as people agreed but it was quickly cut off when you let out a light chuckle.

"Indeed. I'm just surprised that I wasn't included in the flogging, since we come from the same parents," you announced, clasping your hands together in front of you. "Or am I exempt of all charges since I bare a new name now?" you added, your eyebrows raised at the obviously fuming King.

Joffrey was quick to get to his feet until another voice entered the conversation. "You'll stay in your seat if you know what's good for you, boy," your husband growled, taking a large stride to stand closer to you, his frame towering over your own as you reached back to take his hand in yours.

"Is that a threat?" Maester Pycelle rambled out, shaking his hand in the air as if he could summon an answer from his crowd.

"Not a threat; a promise," Gregor spoke again. "If he upsets my wife, or her sister, he'll be dead before he even knows what's happened to him," he grumbled, causing you to smile as you locked eyes with Cersei.

You all knew she would do anything to protect her children, but how would she protect them against a man like 'The Mountain', one of the most skilled and powerful fighters the Seven Kingdoms had ever seen? You both knew that she couldn't. There was nothing that could be done about your husband's threat because no one was stupid enough to carry out the punishment.

"I think it's time we took our leave. Sansa needs to rest for a while," you told them, giving a deep curtsey before helping Sansa out of the door with your husband close behind you. When you passed Lord Tyrion he gave you a nod, still attempting to hide a smile at the scene you had caused.

As soon as the door was closed behind you, the room had burst to life. You were sure you would be able to hear their outrage from the other side of the Red Keep.

Once you were out of the sight of the guards, Gregor lifted Sansa into his arms, carrying her beside you towards her chambers as she cried silently. He waited outside as you got her into bed, allowing the two of you some privacy as you spoke about what had happened.

"What have they done to you?" you whispered as you pulled her into a tight hug, hearing her gasp as you accidentally pressed against one of her many bruises. She was covered everywhere but on her face. Her ribs decorated dark purple and blue, her skin spilt on her arms and legs. But her eyes were the worst.

She was so scared and there was nothing you could do to stop it. She was Joffrey's betrothed; she would soon be the Queen. But it was unlikely he would treat her as kindly as Gregor treated you. That was the difference between the men you had each been given to. Your husband was violent, he fought like no one you had ever seen before, but with you he was the most gentle man you had ever encountered. However, Joffrey came across to the unsuspecting public as kind and regal, where behind doors he was cruel and abusive.

Once Sansa had fallen asleep, you made your way outside, wrapping your arms around Gregor's hips as you cuddled into him, allowing him to stroke your hair as tears pricked at your eyes.

"I can't stand seeing her like this. How can I let her marry that monster?" you sniffed, burying your face deeper into his torso in an attempt to calm yourself.

"We'll leave," he told you, holding you at arms length and drying your tears with his thumbs as he watched your face turn to confusion. "We'll take Sansa and join your brother's forces," he explained and tears welled in your eyes again.

"You would be giving up so much," you told him quietly. "I can't ask you to do that for me," you added, biting off a sob as you wiped at your own face.

"You didn't ask, I offered," he smiled sweetly down at you. "And if it makes you happy, I don't care what we have to give up," he added as he leant down to press a kiss to your lips.

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang