Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - More than a Lady: Part 4

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A/N- Imagine that none of the events which are canon in the show ever happened, Robert died naturally as did Ned, so there was no war between the Starks and the Lannisters.

Soon after moving to King's Landing, you were married to the Queen's twin brother Jaime. Taking the Lannister name was not something you were too pleased about, but if it would stop the Seven Kingdoms from tearing themselves apart you had no real choice. You had always been like your Father that way, putting the needs of everyone else before your own happiness. It was not that Jaime made you unhappy, he was kind and caring with you, but he would never be Theon. You had been married for a few years now and eventually you had fallen pregnant by Jaime. His Father was delighted, all he had ever wanted was for his son to father an heir to take over as Lord of Casterly Rock, for once they were both gone.

"My Lady," you heard Jaime call to you, following the sound of his voice your eyes found him at the door to your Chambers. "Your Brother and his party have arrived," he smiled as your face lit up and moved to offer you his arm. 

Robb had only been to visit in King's Landing twice, once for your wedding and the second for Sansa's wedding to Joffrey. He would never be the city's biggest fan. He much preferred the North, but then again, so did you. You walked down a set of steps, arm in arm with your husband, and entered a small reception area in the Red Keep with a smile on your lips.

"Robb," you spoke as he turned around to look at you, your belly swollen by pregnancy, your smile the most genuine one he had seen from you since you had left Winterfell.

"Your letter told nothing of a child," he told you as he came over to hug you, he pulled away to look down at your face. "I can't believe you will be the first of us to have a child" he chuckled causing you to smile again.

"I've missed you," you told him softly. "Now, come, you must tell me of your betrothed," you pulled at his arm, moving him along into a seating area where tea and lemon cake was being served. "Sansa and Arya should be along shortly," you reminded yourself as your husband sat on one side of you, your brother on the other. It wasn't until then that you noticed the other man travelling with Robb. Your eyes shot open wide as you took in who was standing across from you. "Theon?" you asked, your voice quivering as a small smile drifted across his lips and he gave you a nod.

"It's been far too long since I last saw you," he uttered, "you have only grown more beautiful with the years." You continued to stare at him, his smile faltering as he recognised your anger. His feelings for you had never diminished, and when his father tried to set up a marriage to a woman from the iron islands he had refused, renouncing his claim to his house and angering his father. In fact, you happened to remember hearing that his sister, Yara had come to rule the Iron Islands after his father's passing.

"I was sorry to hear of the loss of your Father, Lord Greyjoy, but if your sister is even half the woman that people tell me she is I'm sure your home land if faring well," you spoke softly, refusing to make eye contact with him as you spoke. Your husband watched on with a smile as he saw you speaking with one of your childhood friends, but he didn't truly understand what was happening in front of him.

"My only father I truly knew died here, with you and your sisters by his side, My Lady. I am sorry for your loss, he was an honourable man and he was good to me far beyond what I deserved," he told you, trying to catch your eyes with his. You smiled softly and nodded at his words. The silence was quickly broken when Arya Joined you, followed by Joffrey and Sansa, everyone greeting them as you glared at Robb.

"How could you bring him here?" you hissed at your brother, your hand gripping his arm tightly. "This is my home, which I share with my husband, the father of my unborn child," you added quietly as everyone else spoke around you. You moved a little closer to Jaime who was talking with Sansa about the pregnancy, and forced a smile onto your face. "I'm sorry for keeping him, Your Grace," you spoke to Joffrey who simply nodded before moving to engage Robb in conversation. Arya was speaking of Winterfell with Theon, who was shooting you glances every so often.

You sat silently the rest of the afternoon as everyone around you spoke happily. "I'm afraid we must go, Ladies. The hand of the king has requested Joffrey, Robb and myself in a meeting," Jaime told you, pressing his lips to your cheek as he rose from his chair, along with the others, leaving you alone with Theon and your sisters, as soon as the door shut behind them your smile fell from your face.

"Why are you here?" you finally spoke directly to Theon. "This is not fair on me, did you not think I felt bad enough already? I am finally happy, Married to Jaime and pregnant with his child and yet here you are," you spoke causing his face to contort with worry.

"Y/N, it is not good for the baby for you to get this upset," Sansa spoke to you as she watched your fists clench in your lap, and finally they unclenched as you nodded to her, causing her to visually calm down too.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would be happy to see me," Theon uttered and you scoffed at him.

"I don't think you got the point of me leaving Winterfell and coming here, Theon," you paused, "every time I looked at you it pained me to see how I had hurt you," you spoke again, finally looking in to his eyes. "And I know that what your father did was not fair on either of us, and I couldn't handle having to look upon the face of the man I loved everyday and not being able to love you like I wanted to," you came to a stop, the tears slowly making tracks down your face.

"My Father doesn't stand between us anymore," he finally answered, causing you to let out a surprised laugh as you gestured with you hand to your swollen stomach pointing out the major problem with his plan.

"I can't leave, Jaime is my husband and this is his child," you told him firmly, "I made vows and I will not break them for anyone, not even you . I think it would be best if you left." You quickly averted your eyes from his again as he stood up.

"You are so like your Father, so honourable and good, and I hate that I love you," he told you with a soft smile before bidding all three women good day and leaving to walk in the gardens.

"Was I cruel to do that to him?" you asked Sansa and Arya as they came to sit with you again, pouring you a hot cup of tea and placing it into your shaking hands. "I didn't have to be so mean" you added as you looked at the door he had left through.

"You did what was right, he understands that," Arya muttered, rubbing one hand over your back to soothe you as your mother had when you were children. You gave her a soft smile to show her you were okay as Sansa came to join you, pulling you both into a light hug.

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