Stark!Reader - Coming Home

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Coming Home' by Sigma (Ft. Rita Ora.) I hope you all enjoy it.

"If I find out that you've been harbouring the traitor's daughter you will suffer a fate far worse than death." There was no warning before the Bolton soldiers had made their way into the dining hall of Hornwood, followed closely by Ramsay Bolton himself. You had been ushered out by one of the serving maids and hidden in the kitchens, forcing yourself into one of the deep cupboards with Glory at your feet before anyone could see either of you. You could hear clattering around the kitchen, bowls, plates, and cups falling to the stone floor and shattering into a million pieces. It hardly mattered it's not like there was any food to eat from them anyhow. Your hands were buried in Glory's fur, calming yourself as best you could as you waited to be discovered.

"We understand, My Lord. You won't find the Stark girl here." Lady Hornwood's voice was steady and strong and you envied her ability to remain so calm in the face of the monster. You had heard rumours of his misdoings and nothing frightened you more than the idea of being taken as his prisoner.

"Good." Ramsay's voice had sweetened, no longer threatening. "We'll leave you to your meal, Lady Donella," he told her, pausing for a moment. "We'll visit again soon."

"Thank you, Lord Bolton." You could sense her smile from where you stood. Donella was a kind lady, and she had the beauty to go along with it. It was likely she would have Ramsay wrapped around her little finger if it weren't for her want to hide you in her home.

The room had been silent for a long moment when the door to the cupboard was drawn open, revealing the sad smile that adorned Donella's face. "Thank you," you muttered as you climbed out with her assistance.

"I'm sorry Y/N." There was a long silence as you looked around the room in confusion. There were no Bolton soldiers, and Ramsay was nowhere to be seen.

"What is there for you to be sorry for?" you asked, you head tilting a little to the side as you gave her a soft smile.

"You have to leave." The answer was like a dagger to the chest, it left you breathless and pained, and your face showed it. "It's not safe for you here anymore."

"It's never been safe for me here," you uttered, taking her hand tightly in yours. "Please don't send me out there; I can't travel alone, I'll be killed." Donella eased her hand out of yours, letting it rest instead on your cheek.

"You're much stronger than you believe, Child. Find Jon; go to the Night's Watch."

You nodded out an agreement, closing your eyes tightly to stop the tears that threatened to fall. You could not allow yourself to cry over your false life when the only one you had ever truly known was when you were at Winterfell with your family.

The next morning you were saddled on one of the only horses left in Hornwood and given what little food they could conjure up in the kitchens. With a small nod to Donella, you kicked your horse and rode from the grounds, headed north with Glory trotting along beside you. Your Direwolf had always been the best behaved and smallest of all of your siblings and he was happy to run along with you whilst you rode.

A week and a half later you were standing at the gates to Castle Black, pale and shaking in the cold winds, with Glory close by your side. The gates wrenched open and for a moment your heart dropped as you thought of who you were to see. You had never been close to Jon and to be quite frank you had treated him badly. He could turn you away and leave you to freeze or starve out in the wilderness, allowing you to be torn apart by wild beasts.

"Y/N?" You knew the voice before you lifted your head from looking at the snow. Sansa. Within moments you were gripping onto your sister's form, clinging to her like you had clung to your Mother when you were a child.

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