Robb Stark X Baratheon!Reader

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A/N - This is not a Robb Stark imagine but the reader is in a relationship with him throughout the chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Are you alright?" It was, perhaps, the most stupid question you had ever heard someone mutter in your life. You kept your eyes on your hands, folded in your lap, and ignored her words. "Please, (Y/N). I'm your Mother, you have to speak to me."

"Fine," you huffed, raising your head to look at her, your jaw tight and your eyes boring into her skin as though you hoped that you could burn her if you stared hard enough. "I am far from alright. I just watched my Father by Law murdered by your son," you growled at her before finally pulling your eyes away.

"Joffrey wasn't supposed to do that," she started and you scoffed at her words. "He's your brother, bound by blood, not by silly words under some hulking big tree in the snow."

"He's not my brother," you hissed at her, getting to your feet and crossing the room to shove her as hard as you could, causing her to stumble. "You thought I'd never notice how different I am to them but I'm not blind. Ned was right about you, about what they are. You disgust me," your rant was silenced by your mother's palm connecting with your face. You both remained silent as you raised your hand to your cheek, letting your cool palm rest against the red skin as you stared at her. "Get out," you muttered, tears brimming in your eyes as you shook your head at her. When she attempted to take a step in your direction you flinched away. "Just leave," you hissed, your voice lower now as you watched her turn and exit your bedchambers.

There were few Stark allies left in King's Landing by the time Ned had been put to death, but you had always been there. You had been wed to Robb when your family had traveled to Winterfell but you had demanded to return to the Capital to finish your studies with the Grand Maester. Since your new husband's family had come with you, you had grown close to his father and spent much of your free time with the Starks.

You stalked over to your vanity, sitting in front of the mirror and running your fingers lightly over the mark on your cheek. It would bruise, you were sure of it, and everyone would see just how cruel your mother could be. She loved you, that much was true, but she preferred the others. Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella had always been the ones she doted on, where you had been left to care for yourself much more often. You had been surprised when she had ordered you to remain in the Capital after your father's death, even though your studies had finished. It wasn't until Lord Stark had been arrested that you realised that you were now a prisoner at your mother's hand. She would not harm you but you couldn't leave King's Landing, you couldn't return to your family.

*Time Skip*

"Sandor, I require your help," you called into the hall. He always wandered the halls of the Red Keep at this time of night, you had been watching for a long time and had begun planning a way to get him alone. "Quickly, if you don't mind," you added and you saw the door open slightly to reveal his giant form.

"How can I help ya', My Lady?" He came in, leaving the door open and watching as you hurried past him to check that the coast was clear. As you returned you pressed the door shut as quietly as you could, allowing the lock to click into place before turning back to him.

"I need to leave King's Landing," you uttered, gesturing for him to sit in one of the plush seats as you crossed the room to sit opposite him at the table.

"Your mother won't let you leave," he answered simply, relaxing a little as you poured him some ale. Sandor had been your guard since you were a child and you had grown to enjoy his company, often bothering him with all of your questions and queries, your imagination had always been a burden he had endured with you.

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