Stannis Baratheon X Tyrell!Reader - Duty

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Your Betrothed was twice your age, he was sullen, and he seemed down right boring. In fact, your brother, Loras, said he had as much personality as a lobster. Loras was close friends with your fiance's brother Renly, and they both knew that neither you, nor Stannis, wanted to be wed to one another. Stannis had only recently lost his first wife and it felt wrong for him to be remarrying so quickly, but his brother, King Robert, had ordered that you join your houses. The Tyrells had always been good to the Baratheons and your families had been close for years, in fact, Robert had been drinking with your father as you were being born.

Loras knew why you feared the marriage most, Stannis was an older man, he had been married and he had probably laid with many women. However, you were a young, high-born lady and had never been intimate with anyone. You had grown worried that you would disappoint your husband, or that in his haste to share your bed, he would hurt you in some way. Stannis had already told his brother that there would be no bedding ceremony after the wedding, which was a relief to you, but behind closed doors you could never know how he would behave.

At the wedding, he was quiet. You both were, only speaking when absolutely necessary as you sat beside each other at the top table. You kept your eyes on you siblings in the crowd, Margaery telling you to smile whilst Loras asked if you were okay periodically. Every now and again you would look at your new husband only to see he was faced away from you looking towards his own brothers.

Soon enough, the feast was in full swing, however you had both remained sitting at your table in silence. Loras soon came over to congratulate the two of you, and you were happy to have some proper company who you could talk to, a smile coming to your lips. He sat beside you for quite some time, talking about the drinking and dancing people crowding the room, until Margaery came to drag him away to dance with her. You sighed as they retreated into the crowd, leaving you alone in a horrid silence once more. Stannis glanced in your direction and seeing the frown on your face deepen as you watched the dancing from afar.

He stood and turned to you, forcing a small, awkward smile onto his lips. "My Lady, we must dance. It would be a crime to not enjoy ourselves at our own wedding," he grumbled as he held his hand out for you. You looked at him, brow furrowed in confusion at the sudden burst of communication between the two of you, but quickly stood to join him.

You allowed Stannis to take you hand, sending him a sweet smile. "Of course, My Lord," you uttered softly as he started to lead you down to the dance floor. As you danced you managed to relax, actually starting to have fun as your husband twirled you around the room. The people watching on laughed as you lost your balance and fell into his arms from a mixture of dizziness and drunkenness. You found yourself starting to forget about the previous worries you had been suffering from, finding Stannis' company quite entertaining now that you were both enjoying yourselves.

As the night dwindled on many people retired to there chambers and you had returned to you seat at the head table. You had your head leaning gently against your husband's shoulder, the dancing and the alcohol having left you weary. "You look tired," Stannis told you, sending you a soft smile and shifting to glance down at you properly. "We should retire to our chambers," he added, placing his arm around your shoulders as your eyes started to drift shut. As soon as you heard talk of the bedroom your eyes shot back open, looking up at him.

"I'm fine, really, just resting my eyes," you groaned, stretching, yawning and rubbing your eyes. He wrapped his arm around your waist, puling you closer and helping you to your feet.

"Come on, you need to sleep," he chuckled as you leant heavily against him. As he walked you down the cool hallways, he saw you rub your hands over your arms, staving off the cold. Your husband leant towards you, placing his cloak around your shoulders to keep you warm. You sent him a small, uncomfortable smile, a silent thank you, as you continued to keep some distance between the two of you. "I know you're nervous," Stannis started, clearing his throat,  "but I won't force you to share your bed with me," he told you, his smile replaced by a small frown as he looked at your now embarrassed, reddening face.

"I will do my duty as your wife, My Lord," you told him, avoiding eye contact as you watched the stone floor. He stopped you, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn you towards him, and using the other to lift your face, forcing you to look at him.

"As your husband, it is my duty to keep you safe and happy," he murmured, his hand cupping your blushing cheek. "If that means being celibate than it is what I shall do," he told you, his voice tender and sweet as he leant in to kiss your forehead. "I can sleep on a cot in your chambers, to avoid rumours," he added as he pulled away and held his arm out to you to walk to your shared room.

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