Loras Tyrell X Reader - Reluctant: Part 2

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You had been living at High Garden for over a fortnight, and Margaery and Olenna had already left for King's Landing. You had taken to sitting alone in your chambers most days, sometimes with a book, other times with your sewing. You would only see Loras at meal times, and even then you remained silent, listening as your Husband-to-be spoke with his Father. Margaery had promised to write to you, but she had been gone for a week already and you had heard no word from her, though you were sure Loras had, and this left you feeling slightly bitter. She was supposed to be your best friend and she couldn't even be bothered to contact you.

One afternoon, you had been siting in silence in your chambers, the dark green velvet dress you were working on stretched across your lap, the golden details catching the light of the candle you had beside you. You always worked by candlelight instead of sunlight, having the blinds drawn open reminded you that you were not at home and left you in an atrocious mood for the rest of the day. You heard a light tap at the door, and didn't take your eyes off of your needle work as you called out for them to enter.

"Y/N," Loras spoke, causing you to shoot your head up to look at him. "The serving woman says you refused meals again today," he paused for a moment, wondering whether you would give in and speak to him, but you had just lowered your head, bringing your attention back to the dress on your lap. "You need to eat or you will get sick," he spoke again as he moved to kneel beside you. You were still silent as he looked up at your face. He huffed, obviously done with being sympathetic, "you know this is hard on me too, don't you? I wanted to go with Margaery to King's Landing, but we don't always get what we want," he growled at you before moving to stand up straight again. "If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine, but please stop acting like you are the only person this is going to effect," he added before heading for the door.

"I'm sorry," you sobbed as he reached the door, pausing to turn back to you, he watched as your shoulders shook from your cries and he came back to kneel beside you again, rubbing your back in small circles in an attempt to calm you. "I just..." you paused as another sob wracked your body, "I had all this belief in the true love facade and now I'm here marrying a man I didn't fall in love with" you finally spoke and he nodded.

"I understand, but there is nothing we can do about this now," Loras spoke softly. "We need each other now, and I don't want you to just sit in this room all alone for the rest of your life" he uttered, causing you to let out a small chuckle.

"That was the plan," you told him as he laughed with you. "I'm sorry you can't go to King's Landing," you added, but he kept his smile fixed in place.

"We will go to King's Landing together, when Margaery gets married," he told you. "As husband and wife, as terrifying as that may seem," he finished, causing a small smile to creep onto your face. "That's more like it" he cheered, he hadn't seen you smile since you had left your home to move here with him. "How about we go out to the gardens for a walk? You could probably use some sun," he told you and you nodded, moving aside your dress and taking his hand to help yourself to your feet.

As you were walking through the gardens, you linked your arm with his. "Thank you," you uttered softly, as you strolled slowly between the tall flowers, "for being so patient with me" you clarified causing his look of confusion to turn into a small smile.

"This is going to be difficult on both of us, but we'll get through it," he spoke and you smiled up at him. You were both unaware of his father standing on one of the balconies of the castle, watching happily as you finally started to communicate with one another. "And you know, I think I'll quite like having you as my wife," Loras told you.

"Why would that be?" you asked, honestly confused. You had been nothing but difficult so far, you wouldn't even want yourself for a wife at this point.

"Because, you are already a part of our family, it will just be like the summers you used to spend here when we were young, though you were often much to busy with Margaery to give me any attention then," he told you, pulling you to a stop at a marble bench and taking a seat.

"We spent plenty of time with you, we always used to come and watch your training," you laughed to him.

"I didn't know you used to watch me train" he gave you a cheeky grin as your cheeks turned red. "Did you have a crush on me?" he asked as he chuckled heartily at the blush that spread across your face, and your wide eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself Loras, you were the only boy I knew, and it's not like I still do!" you shot back, causing his laughter to grow louder as you rolled your eyes at him.

"So, that's a yes?" he asked again, his laughter now was hysterical, and he was turning a little red in the face himself as tears started to leak from his eyes, you eventually joined in the laughter, chuckling at how out of control his had become.

And that was when you realised that you would not be completely miserable living in High Garden, married to Loras. Even if Margaery was not here to support you, and even if your parents had forced it upon you.

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