Chapter Four

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The drive to Trevor's house is anything but comfortable. The whole time Morgan and Miles are aruging in the back seat until we finally dropped Morgan off at her house. Then the rest of the drive was completely silent and I've never wanted to jump out of a car more in my life than I did then.

However when we finally did reach his house it wasn't what I expected. I was thinking it would be a mansion of some sort but it turned out to be just a regular sized house. Still bigger than mine but smaller than I imagined the Trevor Kingston's house would be. There are no other cars in the driveway so it would appear that there's no one else here right now.

"Where are the parental units?" Miles asks once we step out of his car. I don't know why he's acting like this is so normal. I'm sure Trevor doesn't just invite people over to his house, especially people like me, considering we both hate each other and everything.

"I live with my Mom," Trevor shrugs before leading us towards the house. "She works pretty much all the time so I usually have the place to myself. Make yourself comfortable, I have to go make a phone call real quick."

He walks towards what looks like the kitchen, leaving Miles and I alone which was probably a terrible idea on his part because Miles is an idiot. Before I can even say anything Miles is darting around the house. I watch as he runs up Trevor's stairs to snoop around Trevor's house and I shake my head at my curious best friend. I quickly follow him up the stairs to make sure he doesn't get us in any trouble.

When I reach the top of the stairs I see him walking into a room and I immediately follow after him. He does this every time we go to someone else's house because I guess he just can't help himself when it comes to learning stuff about people. It's really a terrible trait to have.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper yell as I follow him into the room that he just walked into.

"Did you know that Kingston wrestled in pre-school?" He asks me holding up one of Trevor's many trophies that are on a shelf.

"There are wrestling leagues for pre-schoolers?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him. Who the hell puts a five year into wrestling? "Miles you need to stop doing stuff like this, he could kill you."

"Not when I've got you as my bodyguard," he says and I roll my eyes at him. One day he's gonna get attacked for doing something stupid like this and I won't be there to save him.

"Dude look at this," he says holding up two small notebooks. "I think they're his journals...I'm gonna take one."

"No put it back!" I say as I attempt to grab it from him but he quickly shoves it down his pants. 

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