Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Why do you look so stressed?"

I don't pay any attention to Trevor as I dance around one of the many punching bags in the gym. I told him earlier that I needed to train by myself today, but for some reason he insisted on training together. Something about how it would be easier and less time consuming for the both of us, but his constant prodding with me hasn't exactly helped me today. I'll tell him to go do something, he'll barter with me about it, only finish doing it halfway, and then run back over to distract me from what I'm trying to focus on again. 

I can feel him staring at me as I struggle to keep my attention of my task at hand. I'm not used to having an audience while I train. I've become accustomed to the peace and solidarity of working on my own. But with Trevor here I'm completely stripped of that mindset and can't help but to feel self-conscious. Why is he watching me like that?

"Is there something that you want from me Trevor?" I huff as I spin around and glare back at him. "Why won't you leave me alone?"

"I just wanna know what's got you all huffy today," Trevor says snidely. "You're usually annoyed by me, but you're never this annoyed."

"I've  got a fight tomorrow."

"So what?" Trevor frowns. "There's no one in the ring right now that's been any match for you. Is he going to be tough to beat or something? "

"That's one way that you could put it," I say knowing good and well that this would be an easy fight if it weren't for Carlos' role in it. "It's not going to be a walk in the park."

"Who're you fighting?"

"Um..." I hesitate for a moment as an image of the small and scrawny fighter pops into my head. He's clearly no match for me, no match for anyone really. And telling Trevor that I'm scared of fighting A-Train, of al people, would just bring on an unnecessary onslaught of teasing. But I don't really have any other options. "A-Train."

"A-Train who?"



"Yes. A-Train."

"Why are you even training?" Trevor laughs loudly, seemingly having heard of the boy I'm supposed to be fighting. It's no surprise really, A-Train has become the laughing stock of the ring. "Haven't you seen that kid fight? He sucks."

"He's probably better than you."

"Now that," Trevor says shaking his head at me. "Is truly offensive. Don't you dare compare that kid to any other fighter again. He doesn't deserve it."

"I answered your question earlier. Now will you please go away."

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