Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up to the feeling of something jabbing into my forehead. I frown at her at her and groan as she pokes me again. My eyes are burning as I look around probably from the lack of sleep I've been getting lately.

"Angie, what're you-"

"We're late."

As soon as she says that, my head snaps to look over at the clock. My eyes bulge out of my head when I see that it's almost ten o'clock, meaning I've already missed my first and second periods. I easily lift Angie off of my and place her on the floor.  I point to the bathroom and she nods before jogging off into the bathroom so that she can take a shower.

This isn't the first -and probably won't be the last time it does- we've woken up late for school. It happens at least once a month. We've come up with a routine that gets up out of the house in at least fifteen minutes though. Angie takes a two minute shower while I brush my teeth. Then we switch off and I get in the shower while she brushes her teeth and quickly gets dressed.

I rub my face tiredly as I roll out of bed and slowly walk toward the bathroom. The extra training with Trevor must have really taken a toll on my body because I'm feeling much more sore this morning than I usually do.

Angie and I follow through with our late morning routine and are out the door sooner than I thought we would be. I'm moving rather sluggishly while Angie pulls me down the streets. She, as always, is a little ball of sunshine. Obviously she got a lot more sleep last night than I did.

"Do we get to see that boy again today?" Angie tugs on my hand and I look down at her.

"What boy, Angie?"

"The cute one."

"Trevor isn't cute," I roll my eyes at her and she frowns up at me with a very confused look on her face.

"What is her then?"

"Annoying," I look down at my phone and see that third period is going to start soon. We're going to have to run if I want to make it before class starts. So I lean down next to Angie and she already knows what to do. "Now climb on."

She excitedly climbs on my back and I began racing toward her school. She probably won't admit it, but she loves my piggy back rides.

We reach her school in about half the amount of time we would've had we decided to walk instead. Angie climbs off of my back when we reach the front of her school. She grabs my hand and drags me inside. I follow her into the school because I have to sign her in every time that she's late.

After signing her in, I give her a quick hug before bolting out of the school doors. If Angie and I keep up this whole 'being late' thing then it's really going to make my grades suffer. It's honestly a surprise that I've been keeping good grades while maintaining my training hours.

I breathe out a sigh of relief when I reach my school. The hallways are desolate and silent which means that third period has already started. I make my way down the hall and to my locker, throwing my stuff in before heading down to my AP Literature class.


"So, how is he?"

Miles and I are sitting outside of the school in his car. Mr. O'Neil, my AP English teacher, only chewed me out a little bit. He decided to let me stay in class as opposed to being sent to ISS like he's supposed to do when I'm late. Right now, Miles and I are eating lunch while he grills me about Trevor. Miles has grown up around the fighting scene so naturally he's obsessed with good fighters. Hence the reason that he used to be obsessed with me and why he is still obsessed with Trevor aka "Knight."

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