Chapter Fifty Four

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By the time I reach Trevor's house I'm already feeling exhausted from all of the walking that I've had to partake in today. But with the newfound information that I've just gathered from Carlos, I don't think that I'd be able to sleep without confirming it with Trevor first. Because if Carlos was telling the truth, which I believe he was, then that changes quite a few things for Trevor and I. 

I have no idea what time it is when I eventually get back to Trevor's house. Pretty much every light in the house except for the one in the living room seems to be off right now. Hopefully Trevor is already awake when I knock so I can avoid breaking in through one of his windows. I'm determined to talk to him tonight and a locked door isn't going to be what gets in my way. 

I bang on the door a few times to announce my presence to anybody in the house. It's silent for only a moment before I hear a loud crash coming from inside. I frown, alarmed by the loud noise but stood still in my spot. As I listened I heard some more fumbling around before the door finally opened and a sleepy shirtless Trevor pops up in front of me. 

Now, shirtless Trevor had never been a Trevor that had affected me in the past. For the most part of our time together it seemed as though he just always ended up being shirtless and I'd just block it out of my mind. But for some reason tonight I catch myself staring at his naked chest for a second longer than I would have let myself before. He doesn't seem to notice though. He seems more surprised that it's me standing at the door than the fact that I was just ogling his abs. 

"Violet?" He asks me and my eyes snap up to meet his. His hair is a complete mess and his green eyes are darker than I'm used to them being. His hand stays holding the edge of the door as if he's ready to slam it on me already. "If you were anyone else I'd be yelling you right now for banging on my door at this time of night. What're you doing here?"

I don't answer as I try to formulate the right words in my head, but there are a million different things that I could say to him right now. I can tell that I'm making things awkward by not saying anything right now because of the weird look that he's throwing my way, but I can't find it in me to say anything. I don't even register that I'm moving as I take a step towards him.

Another step.

Another step. 

And another step until I'm so close to him that I just...

Smack him. 

Even though I'm somewhat surprised by my action on the inside it's like my brain goes into autopilot after that. Trevor looks at me with wide eyes after the slap, looking more confused than I've ever seen him before. Before I can stop myself I'm suddenly ranting all of my deepest worries at him. 

"What the hell were you thinking cutting that kind of deal with Carlos? You shouldn't have even gotten yourself involved with him! Were you even thinking about any of the repercussions? What if he doesn't stay true to his word and he still comes after us? This time he could kill us because he's already got what he wants. You could have put all of us including your family in even more danger because-"

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