Chapter Eighteen

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I stare up at my ceiling as my little sister sleeps in my arms. It took a little while for her to fall asleep, especially considering how shaken she was earlier. I didn't ask her any questions after we laid down because I didn't want to upset her any further, she doesn't need to think about what happened anymore today.

My mind drifts off to how much easier our life is going to be once I get us out of here. I've been saving up money from fights so that we can move into an apartment. I'll do an online college and use the money that my Father left me once it comes time for Angie to go off to college. He left me quite a bit of money in a trust fund that I don't have access to until I'm eighteen, which is only about two months away now. It all sounds easy enough.

But nothing has ever come "easy enough" for me.

I can't help but think about everything that could go wrong when I attempt to move us out in two months. As soon as I'm of age I plan no buying and moving out of this hellhole, which means that I have to start looking at good apartments now. I'm also going to have to invest in a car since there aren't any apartment complexes near our school and I don't want Miles to have to drive Angie and I everywhere that we have to go.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a sudden noise coming from outside of our window. I look over, careful not to move to much so that I don't wake Angie up. My eyes widen a little bit though when I see the window sliding open, two hands pushing it up slowly.

I quietly slip out from under my little sister. She whines a little bit, but I quickly replace my body with a pillow and she goes quiet again. I stand up and slip across the room, picking up one of Angie's old baseball bats and watching as someone lifts them-self up and through our window.

I can tell right away that it's a man, the broad shoulders and muscular arms give that away. His face is blocked because of the baseball cap that's he's wearing, so I can't exactly see who it is. There could be anyone trying to sneak up on me, illegally fighting always opens the doors for perverts, stalkers, etc. I've been attacked by people on the streets at least three times before because they'd lost a bet because I'd won a fight. Fighting makes good money, but it can definitely attract the wrong people.

The guy falls into the room and I'm about half a second away from smashing him in the head with my bat. But as he looks up at me and I see his face I lower my bat. I sigh and shake my head, my heart beat begins to calm as the sudden adrenaline rush wears down too. Trevor looks confused as he looks from me and then back to the bat that I'm yielding in my hands.

"Were you going to hit me with that?" Trevor asks sounding offended. He stands up off the floor, brushing his shirt off without taking his eyes off of me.

"No I was just going to ask whoever whoever came through my window if they wanted to start a spontaneous game of baseball with me," I say sarcastically as I turn to set the bat down on a desk. Trevor doesn't look amused by my witty remark as he waits for me to continue talking. "What can I do for you Kingston? Mind telling me why you were climbing through my window?"

"Well I sat at the gym for about forty minutes before deciding to come find you," I frown at him before my eyes widen in realization. I internally face palm, remembering that I had told Trevor we would be training today. "I knocked on the door, but some prick answered and told me to get lost."

" decided that breaking and entering would be the better way to get in?"

"Well it worked didn't it?" Trevor smirks and tilts his head at me. "Your Dad isn't the nicest guy is he?"

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