Chapter Eleven

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"Alright Trevor it's been two miles," I say as he finishes the lap and I'm not lying when I say that he looks real damn tired. He's out of breathe and breathing so heavily that I contemplate opening the gym door to get some cold air circulating in here so he can cool down. He's in much words shape than I initially thought he would be. "You get a one minute water break."

He doesn't speak as he looks at me expectantly, probably too out of breath to speak and probably waiting for me to pull out another water bottle for him.

"Oh, sorry it looks like I didn't bring another water bottle and the only water fountain is down the hall," I say innocently as I glance down at the timer in my hand. "And you might wanna run down there now cause if you take longer than a minute I'll have you run another quarter mile. Better run fast."

Trevor glares at me when he realizes that his break isn't going to be much of a break at all if he wants to make it back in one minute. He turns around and runs towards the doors. I know I probably shouldn't be enjoying this as much as I am but if you'd gotten bullied by someone and then gotten the chance to boss them around, I'm sure anyone would take advantage of the opportunity to get back at their bully too.


"I...I...can't...believe..." Trevor says in between breathes as he lays on the ground in front of me. "You made"

"You get a ten minute break," I say smirking down at him as he takes in deep gulps of air.

"Only ten?" He asks with a frown on his face.

"Only ten," I confirm as I gently kick him in the side. He continues to cough and wheeze on the floor while I roll my eyes at him. I decide to give him a little mercy so I walk over and grab the empty water bottle that he drank earlier. I walk down to the water fountain and refill it for him. When I get back into the gym I'm not surprised to see Trevor still laying on the floor. I walk over to him and for a second I'm convinced that he's dead because his eyes are closed and he has his arms laying across his face. My suspicions are proved to be incorrect when I hear a soft snore coming from him.

I snicker a little bit as I open the now full water bottle and stand beside him. I tilt the bottle and pour about one fourth of the water onto his head. He gasps as soon as the water hits his face and I start laughing loudly. But I stop laughing almost as soon as I feel arms wrapping around my legs and pulling me down. I huff as I crash on top of Trevor's chest. He flips us over and pins my hands above my head.

"What did you just pour on me?" He questions as the water drips down his face and onto my own.

"This is such a bitch position," I say before kneeing him in the stomach and rolling over so that I'm on top with his arms now pinned beneath me.

"Why do you always have to hit me in my stomach?" He whispers and I can't help but notice how close our faces are. We sit there for what feels like forever, I zone out a little bit as I stare into his vibrant emerald green orbs. If anyone were to ask me what Trevor's best attribute was then I would definitely say his eyes. They're just something to get...lost in. They're the kind of green that seems like it could only be manufactured, something so rare and hard to come by that when you see it you almost don't believe it's real. Like if you were to meet a famous person that you love, just the mere thought of their existence seems so crazy, much less that fact that you're meeting them. That's just how it is with Trevor and his eyes.

I'm brought back into reality when I see Trevor's lips curve up into a smirk and I realize just who it is I'm sitting on. I immediately push myself off of him and walk away from him and over towards where I set my phone.

"Where you going?" I hear him should but I don't bother turning around to look at him. "I was just getting comfortable with you on top of me."

I ignore him and grab my phone off of where I had set it on my chair. I look at the time on it and shake my head a little bit. I stopped the timer as soon as Trevor was done with his last lap and to say that we have a lot of work to do it a little bit of an understatement. Especially if he's talking about winning against anyone in the tournaments, I myself have never been to any of them because I can't afford to just drive down to Florida. But I've seen videos and heard some brutal stories from Mike and Mike isn't one to over exaggerate.

"You took 50 minutes and 16.3 seconds," I say as I walk back towards him. He's now sitting up on the floor with his legs stretched out in front of him.

"Woah that's good isn't it," he says like an excited little kid. I tilt my head at him, I'm starting to wonder about whether or not he's ever exercised at all.

"No..." I say and he lifts his eyebrows at me. "That was actually pretty hard to watch Kingston. The average person can run four miles in less than 45 minutes. An average person. Not an athlete Kingston. Just a regular old average person."

"Well I'm not even an athlete," he argues as he suddenly seems frustrated. "There's absolutely no reason for me to have to run four miles like that. I'm not trying to be a track star, I just want to learn how to win my matches."

"That's your problem," I say shaking my head at his stubborn attitude. "You need to stop acting like this is an easy sport because it's not. I know you might think you're all that just because you beat a few tough guys here and there. But the guys in Florida aren't going to be the same as the bullshit fighters that you fight here. It's a whole different league down there."

"No my only problem right now is you," he says standing up and walking over towards me with an annoyed look on his face. "All I asked you to do was teach me a few simple moves and all you've done is make me run around for an hour. You know what? Well I'm leaving."

"To go do what Trevor?" I ask as he turns around to walk towards the door. "To go back to being the undefeated Knight? Oh wait...sorry I forgot that you're not undefeated anymore."

He stops and turns around to look at me. There are a million different emotions flashing on his face right now. He partly looks angry but at the same time he just looks completely tired.

"Listen Trevor," I say walking up to him and standing right in front of him. "I really am actually trying to help. This is exactly what I did when I started training. And maybe if you'd stop being such a stubborn prick then you'd see that I'm actually trying to help you out here. You're making this whole thing a lot more complicated than it actually has to be."

"I just..." he runs a hand through his hair as he seems to be searching for the right words to say. "I'm not used to having someone boss me around. I'm completely self taught. I've never had a coach before."

"Okay now we're getting somewhere," I say nodding. "You're going to have to get used to the prospect of having someone tell you what to do because that's basically what you're paying me to do. I'm going to help you with what I think you need help with. That's part of the reason why I'm making you run so much."

"Fine," he mutters in a very unagreeable tone. "Just try and go a little bit easier on me at least?"

"Kingston everything I'm doing to you is to make you better," I say before taking a few big steps away from him. He raises an eyebrow at me, probably wondering why I stepped away. "Now that we've got that all cleared up, drop and give me one hundred."


Well hello der again, short time no see. I'm currently typing on a portable keyboard that I have connected to my phone and I'm so amazed by this device. Anyways, my writing and posting schedule is so all over the place, I'm not sure what story I want to focus on updating. Like I want to contribute updating this a ton but I also have "Pills And The Bad Boy" and the sequel to TGWSATBWM which I have to update. And I still have more books that I've already started writing but haven't gotten the chance to post yet. Hopefully I figure out an updating schedule soon.

I don't feel like coming up with any questions for this chapter, so I hope you all enjoyed reading it.





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