Chapter Seven

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After leaving the gym I immediately begin walking towards Emma's house. Emma is a mutual friend of mine and since her little sister, Jody,  and Angie are friends Angie stays there while I'm at the gym. Emma and Jody's Mom know somewhat about who my parents are so I think that's the reason she lets Angie go over there so often. But she's never asked about what kind of predicament we're in and I honestly don't think she ever plans to. 

I walk up to the familiar house and knock on the door twice before stepping inside. I walk inside to smell the pleasant aroma of home cooking. Angie and I usually eat take-out unless I'm at the gym and Angie has to go over to Emma's house. 

"I'm in the kitchen!" I hear Emma's mom, Mrs. Camren, call from the other room. I begin walking towards the kitchen and see her stirring what smells to be spaghetti in a large pot. 

I walk over towards one of the stools and sit at the little bar. This is usually how it goes when I come to pick up Angie. In the beginning I used to refuse eating the food that she would offer and I'd immediately try to get out of the house. But this has become such a normal thing that Angie and I usually end up eating here. 

"Hi Mrs. Camren," I say smiling at her as she begins to poor cheese into the pot. 

"I told you to call me Eliza," she says rolling her eyes at me. "Emma is upstairs in her room if you want to talk to her. Angie and Emma are in the living room watching tv."

Emma and I are the same age and went to the same school together in middle school but she transferred sometime in eighth grade. She was one of my only friends when she went there, so of course I took it hard that she didn't go there anymore. We reconnected a little while ago when our sister's became friends. I haven't told her about the whole fighting thing yet because it seems like unnecessary information. Besides I don't need anyone worrying about me. 

"I'm going to go check on Angie," I say before standing up. Before I leave the kitchen though I take the plates and whatnot and set the table so that Eliza doesn't have to do it herself.

I walk into the living room and see Angie and Jody sitting on the floor with cards in their hands and a pile of candy between them. 

"I'll raise your reeses cup," my little sister says to Jody, not noticing that I'm standing in the doorway. "To one Kit Kat."

"Are you guys playing Poker?" I ask wondering who the hell decided to teach my little sister how to play Poker. 

"Emma did," Jody says not looking away from her cards. Angie jumps up and runs over to me and I kneel down to wrap my arms around her tiny body as she wraps hers around my neck. I know that she doesn't know that I fight for money but I can't help but think that she suspects something. I mean it's not always easy to cover up blood and bruises, and even though she's young, she's a smart girl. Sooner or later she's going to figure me out and be even more paranoid about me not coming home than she is now. 

"You're late," she says bluntly in my shoulder. I laugh a little at her tone, she sounds so pissed.

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