Chapter Sixteen

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Following Trevor around in the car and watching him jog proved to be much more relaxing than I thought it would end up being. I convince myself that I'm just watching him because I have to, but I'd be lying if I said that his body wasn't extremely physically appealing. That, of course, isn't going to change my opinion on the fairly annoying teenage boy. 

He's been running for about twenty minutes now and I can tell that he's taking the advice that I gave him from our last session. He's obviously taking his time and running at a speed that won't tire him quickly but will still push him. 

I will admit that I do feel a little bit weird watching him. I've never followed a guy around a field in a car and gazed at him while he ran around in his boxers. 

I look in my rear view mirror and smile when I see Miles chasing Angie around the field from afar. I laugh when I see Miles trip over his own feet and land hard on the ground. Angie doesn't seem to care much for whether or not he's alright because she proceeds to lay across his back. I shake my head at the two children as I look forward to continue monitoring Trevor. 

It doesn't take him much longer to finish the task that I assigned to him, in fact he finishes much quicker than I thought he would. I watch as he runs over to the tree and plops on to the ground, obviously very much exhausted from his run. I reach over and grab him a water from the backseat of the car before climbing out and slowly making my way over to him. 

"You don't look so good," I tease when I get up to the boy who's laying on the ground. He looks up at me with an unimpressed look on his face before his eyes shift over to the water in my hand. He immediately sits up and reaches up to grab up, but I pull it away. "You can't just have this without asking Trevor, what's the magic word?"

"Um," Trevor frowns as he gazes longingly at the bottle of water in my hands. "Please?"

"No, it's 'sit-ups'." 

"Sit-ups?" Trevor asks incredulously. "What the hell kind of magic word is that?"

"Sit-ups," I repeat as I shrug at him. "Give me thirty before I give you this water?"

"Really?" He asks in disbelief. I almost feel bad for him when he juts out his bottom lip and starts pouting, but I quickly remind myself that I'm supposed to be coaching him so I can't give in. "Why can't I just have the water?"

"You can after you give me thirty sit-ups," I cross my arms expectantly. "Now stop complaining and give me thirty, Kingston."

He groans and slowly lays back down before propping his knees up in the air. I walk over and stand on the edges of his feet to keep him still while he does the sit-ups. 

"You're a terrible person for making me do all of this without any water," Trevor mutters as he crosses his arms over his chest as he does his first sit-up.

"I may be a terrible person," I say as I pop the cap of the water bottle open and take a swig. He glares at me as I taunt him. "But I'm a fantastic coach. You'll be thanking me for this later on, just you wait Kingston."

Love At First FightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora