Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: Angie off to the side---}}


For the next three days I'm stuck at home feeling like death itself. Whatever bug I had picked up didn't seem as though it was going to go away anytime soon. Angie tried to stay and help me out as much as she could, but there wasn't exactly much that she could do.

Trevor continued to bring me food although every time he would come I would never be awake. I'd just wake up every day around lunch to look over and see a container of soup with a little sarcastic note scrawled out on top of it. It makes me sort of anxious to know that Trevor has just been sneaking in and out of my house, but perhaps it's my fault for never locking the windows.

Today is the first day in what feels like forever that I've finally felt even relatively better. I almost considered just not going today since it's a Friday, but I know that I need to go see what I missed. Missing one day of school is bad enough, but missing four consecutive days isn't exactly the best move to make. I can only imagine the mountain of work that I'm going to have to do once I have to go back.

"Look who it is," Miles laughs when I stop in front of his locker. He takes off his backpack and begins loading his things into his locker. "The Sick Queen herself. What brings you to my humble abode on this fine morning?"

"I had to come back at some point," I say as I watch Miles scramble around with his stuff. He looks nervous as he drops a few of his things on to the floor and quickly drops down to pick them up. "What's got you so jumpy?"

"I've got a date with Jenny tonight," he sighs as he places the things that he dropped back into his locker. "And I'm freaking out."

"Jenny?" I raise my eyebrow up at the boy, already knowing who he's talking about. "Wasn't she a bitch to you freshman year?"

"She was a bitch to everyone freshman year," he chuckles. "But people can change."

"Miles, she poured chocolate milk on your head in front of everyone."

"It was an honest mistake-"

"She convinced everyone that you had pissed yourself in geometry."

"We don't know if she started that rumor-"

"Her friends keyed your car."

"Okay so maybe they were kind of bad people," Miles concedes. "But like I said, people change. She probably just did all of that because she liked me. Why else would she have asked me out?"

"I don't know..." I say not wanting to crush his hope, but knowing good and well that Jenny is no good. "I've just got a bad feeling about her."

But before I could say anymore about it the warning bell is ringing and we have to go to class. I wave to Miles as he turns around to leave before turning to start the long tread to my own class.

My best friend is a fragile guy, everybody that knows him knows that. He's got a big heart. And he deserves to find someone who's genuinely interested in him. For as long as I've known Jenny she's never even glanced in our direction unless it's been to make some sort of smart remark. I'm usually pretty good at sensing when something is amiss and right now my radar is going off.

After being gone for the majority of the week my classes feel like they've gotten even longer. In the classes that I have lectures in I barely understand any of what is going on, so I just ignore the discussion and instead focus on finishing my missing work.

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