Chapter Forty Eight

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By the time Miles found me about half way down the street, I'd only somewhat managed to calm myself down. I only made it so far before realizing that I had absolutely nowhere else to go to get rid of all the anger that I've now got bottled up inside of me. I know that I could always just go to the gym and pound my fists into the drywall, but I'm so tired of fighting at this point that that would have only fueled my anger. Every single part of me can't fight the feelings of betrayal that are rooted in my brain because of everything that I've just learned. All of my mother's words stacked on top of Trevor's actions have caused me to question every action that I've recently made. 

When did this all get so fucked up?

I could hear Miles's clanky old truck gasping as it makes its way down the street towards where I sit underneath the tree at the end of the road. He didn't say anything when he got out to sit next to me, he just gave me the same knowing look that he always does when we're about to have a long talk. And that's what we did. I talked for a long time and told him everything that had been said to me as he sat by idly and listened. It's always been surprising to me just how much patience he has for my drama when surely he's got things of his own that he needs to be focusing on. 

"Wow," he breathes out slowly when I finish. He leans his head back on the tree that we're pressed up against. "That must have been a lot to take in, I'm sorry."

"It all just seems so crazy," I state solemnly. "I have absolutely no idea what to do anymore. I don't even want to talk to Trevor, but he might be the only way that I can get to my own father at this point. Now that I know that he could possibly be alive, he might be the only way that Angie and I can really get out of this mess."

"The peacemaker in me is telling me to tell you to talk to him about it," Miles says slowly. "But the friend in me is feeling just as pissed off at him for keeping this from you as you are and thinks that you shouldn't talk to him. I think we both know which part of me we should listen to here."

"I don't want to talk to him though," I shake my head. "I don't even want to look at him right now. If I look at him I'll feel like punching him, if I talk to him I'll feel like murdering him."

"Don't say that t anyone other than me," Miles says jokingly. "If Trevor's death ends up looking like a homicide you'll end up being the number one suspect."

"Hilarious," I roll my eyes at his dry sense of humor. "You're a riot. I just... I just can't talk to him right now. Or for a long time. Him keeping something like this from me is unforgivable."

"What happened to my level-headed unemotional Violet?" Miles asks skeptically. "I guess I have to be the one to remind you that you're supposed to be focusing on your future. Trevor is your ticket to the tournament right now since it's too late for you to fight in it yourself. Just be platonic with him until you get there at least."

"I don't know," I say even though I know that Miles is right. "I guess I'm not so much worried about him as I am about Angie now. We aren't even related, if someone wanted to take her away from me they could. And I'm supposed to believe that Myrah and Carlos are her actual parents? Is my father even going to want to see me? What if he wants nothing to do with me let alone Angie?"

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