Chapter Fifty One

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I sit outside of Violet's childhood home, my foot tapping anxiously against the ground as I wait for Carlos to come back outside. I know that I probably shouldn't be doing what I'm doing right now, but I'm pretty sure that I don't have any other choice at this point. 

The guilt of what happened between Violet and I is weighing down on me much stronger than I ever thought it would when the truth was eventually revealed. It's clear that it has something to do with the growing feelings that I seem to be having for her on and off, but with all of this going on I haven't even necessarily been able to address that yet. 

Sticking my hand inside of my pocket my hand clasps around the envelope stashed away inside. I immediately wrap my fingers around the giant wad that's formed an unruly bump in the side of my pants and sigh deeply as I try to not think about what I'm about to do. 

I jump slightly when the front door behind me swings open, nearly catching me on my back from the spot that I'm positioned in. Jumping up and turning around I face a person who could barely even be called a "man." He looks pretty worn out to me, not much like the wife beater that I'd imagined him as when Violet first told me about him. But knowing a lot of the stuff that he's done to not only Myrah and Violet, but also to Angie I definitely don't get too ahead of myself. 

"Knight my boy," he walks up to me and places his hand on my shoulder, giving it a rough squeeze that almost makes me push him away. "You're early. How's life treating you?"

"Stop it," I look from side to side, feeling uneasy being in this part of the neighborhood by myself with this guy. "I'm not here to talk."

"You and Violet act so much like each other," he back against the door as though at ease with this situation. "How's my baby girl doing by the way?"

"Please," my jaw tightens at the name he calls her and it takes everything in me to remember that I'm not here to fight him. I just want to get all of this out of the way so that I can leave this house and never come back. "Just stop."

"Alright," he gives in. "Did you bring me what I asked you for?"

"Would I have showed up if I didn't?"

"Sarcasm won't get you anywhere," he says before sticking out his hand palm up. "Now give it to me and get out of here so I can move on with my life."

"Remember," I pull the large envelope out of my pocket and place it in his hand carefully, feeling a pull at my heart as he takes it and slips it into his own pocket. "We have a deal."

"We have a deal," he concedes. "I'm a man of my word, Knight. You don't have to worry about that."

Without much more being said, I turn around and walk away from the house, not feeling sure whether or not I'd just done the right thing. I'm sure that Carlos is smirking at me as I walk away, surely feeling as though he's won. Which he pretty much has won at this point. There wasn't anything else that me or Violet could do. 

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