Chapter Fifty Nine

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"Take a seat Violet. We have a lot to talk about."

I don't press Miles any on the issue even though that's all that I want to do. The only thing that's stopping me from screaming at him right now is the fact that he's got a gun pressed to my baby sister's head. That's a pretty good reason for me to stay calm and listen to what he has to say. So I slowly take a seat with my hands slightly raised up in surrender, not taking my eyes off of the person standing in front of me. 

"Where's the boy toy at?" Miles takes a peek outside of the door before kicking it shut with his foot. "It'd be nice to get all of this out with him here too."

"He went out to grab some food with Mike," I lie to him not wanting to tell him exactly where Trevor is even though he probably already knows. The tables seem to have turned for all of us monumentally in just a few minutes and I haven't even had a chance to process what the hell is going on right now. Deep down I'd like to believe that Miles is somehow being forced into doing whatever it is that he's doing right now, but I know better than to believe that. "Miles, what are you doing?"

"We've been friends for a pretty reasonable amount of time, right?" The quiver in his voice and the hardness behind his eyes are beginning to scare me as he takes a step forward, effectively tugging Angie along with him. As much as I want to lunge forward at him I keep my composure and stay as still as I can in my seat. "We got to know each other pretty well. There's really no reason as to why I should have to be doing this, but here we are anyways. How has your day been so far?"

"Miles," I say his name again as his eyes flicker around the room haphazardly. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

"I'm fine," he drops his hand from Angie's shoulder and rubs the spot in between his eyebrows. He then places his hand back on her shoulder, his grip not nearly as tight this time around. There's something incredibly different about this Miles that I'd never seen in him before. He's very fidgety and seems as though he can't focus on me. I can't tell if it's because he feels bad for what he's doing or because he's genuinely lost his mind. "I'm just feeling really indifferent right now, Violet. I don't know why I feel like you deserve to be hurt, but I'm just feeling so angry with you right now that I don't even care."

"Why are you feeling angry?" I ask, keeping my voice from shaking as much as I can. I've dealt with a lot of people who were unhinged in my life, but never to this degree. I watch closely as the hand that's holding the gun begins to visibly start shaking. "Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not your fault," he says looking down at Angie. "But it's not my fault either, so somebody should be to blame. If it's not you then it's Trevor, if it's not Trevor then it's his dad, if it's not his dad then it's Mike. So who's the one that takes the downfall?"

At this point it seems like Miles is just babbling nonsense to himself more so than trying to have a coherent conversation with me. I can tell that Angie is trying to contain herself as she sniffles back the cries that are begging to be let out. She keeps her eye contact down on the floor, not moving an inch as the gun in Miles' hand wobbles around next to her head. 

"Maybe you can explain it to me," Miles' eyes shoot up to mine and the eye contact is somewhat terrifying. His eyes are wide and bloodshot, his eyebrows twitching manically "Why I was always the better one, but never got any of the glory. I get it... I'm scrawny and I can't really fight. But who needs to fight when you've got guns? I'm smart. If it came down to it those guys out there could never kill anybody. All they know how to do is beat each other up until they can't stand up anymore. What's that going to do to help anyone? How's that every going to help them get ahead in life?"

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