Chapter Nine

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A/N: Sorry for any typos, I typed this up on my phone.


The school day goes by agonizingly slow. I don't see Miles all day because he left early to go hunt with his Grandpa or something. Miles being gone pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day considering that I have no other friends.

The only upside that has come from this day is that Trevor hasn't tried to publicly humiliate me. In fact I haven't seen him since he talked to me this morning. As I walk to my locker after my last class, I silently pray that he's forgotten about me "training" him today. I gather my stuff and make my way out of the school. I walk out of the school and start walking down the street towards my sister's school, if Trevor really wants to train he can find me later at the gym.

I jog across the street and am about to jog through my short cut to Angie's school when I hear someone calling my name. I look over my shoulder to see Trevor waving at me from his car with his eyebrows furrowed. I roll my eyes at him as he comes to a stop where I'm standing.

"I thought we agreed that we would meet in front of the school," he says glaring at me from the driver's seat of his car. "I told you that if you didn't the deal would be off."

"Trevor I'm not scared of your bullshit threats," I say crossing my arms over his chest. "You need me just as much as I need this money. Don't act like if you call the deal off you can figure out how to train yourself."

'Whatever," he says before leaning over and pushing the passenger door open. I raise my eyebrows at him and just stand there staring at him. "C'mon now get in."

"I told you that I have to go pick up my sister from her-"

"Yeah and I told you that we can just pick it up, drop it off wherever it needs to be dropped off at, and then go train."

"She is not an it," I growl at him. "And that's the thing. I promised that I would take her shopping today, I can't just drop her off at home."

"Why can't your mom just take it shopping?" He asks frowning and it takes everything in my not to shove my fist down his throat when I hear him call her an 'it' again.

"Because she can't," I say curling my fingers into a fist.

"Alright," he says leaning back in his seat and contemplating for a moment. "Get in, we'll go take your sister shopping and then drop her off."

I narrow my eyes at him and think about it for a second. What harm could it do if I let him drive us instead of Angie and I having to walk. It's been a while since Angie hasn't had to walk anywhere. I mean there's the occasional ride that she'll get once every so often with Miles and I. But I've never really trusted Miles's car so I don't let her ride around with us too often.

I groan and climb into Trevor's car before turning and looking at him. He smirks at me before he starts driving the car slowly.

"Where are we getting her from exactly?" He asks looking at the road as he leans back in his seat. I had always figured that he would be more of one of those people that drives with one hand and tries to lean back in his seat as far as he can just to look cool. But to my surprise he looks rather uncomfortable driving as he drives with both hands on the wheel.

"Her middle school," I say as we take a right. "It's a couple of blocks away from here."

I direct him to where her school is and when we drive up into the parking lot I almost immediately spot her.  She's standing in the exact same spot that she always is when I come to pick her up after school. Jody is standing next to her and I mentally slap myself when I remember that I had told Angie that Jody could tag along. Now I'm going to have to have Trevor drop both of them off.

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