Chapter Fifty Six

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As soon as I get into my room I drop myself down on to my bed and groan loudly, running a hand through my already messed up hair. I'm ready to just go to sleep and put everything that happened tonight behind me. 

I wasn't expecting for Violet to show up at my doorstep this late at night. I wasn't really expecting her to show up at my doorstep at all after the entire fiasco that went down between the two of us. Most of me had just given up on us ever being friends again at all. 

So I guess you could say that I was surprised when Violet showed up and then just laid one on me after talking for like five minutes. 

It just felt so random and out of nowhere, but somehow it still felt right. To me that is. I'm not even going to try to figure out what Violet could be out there thinking about right now. I knew that women were complicated, but I don't think that any woman out there is as unpredictable as the one that I've managed to get myself tied up in. And I thought that I'd be the complicated one in this partnership. 

Now, I've known that I had taken a little bit more of a liking to Violet than I probably should have for a little while now. It wasn't something that I wanted to dwell too much on because Violet doesn't seem like the type to do relationships. I don't even mean that in a bad way though, she just thinks so deeply into everything that she psychs herself out of things before actually trying it out. She doesn't want to be codependent on anybody either so maybe that's another factor as well. 

I can't really blame her too much for not wanting to be in a relationship. Especially right now when we're both dealing with a lot on our plates. The way I see it it'd be better to have someone that I could actually rely on right now. Violet and I obviously have vastly different points of view. 

It's not like I'm a relationship expert or anything like that though. I've got a pretty bad dating history of flings that ended up hating me after the fact so I'm definitely not one to talk. I've grown up a lot over the past few months, most of which is probably thanks to Violet, and I'm not nearly as immature as I used to be. Maybe I'm wrong about the whole maturing thing and I've manifested that all in my head, but I'd like to think that I've changed a little bit. 

I lay in a comfortable silence by myself for a little while longer, willing myself to get some sleep without making the effort to actually close my eyes. I put myself in Violet's mind for a moment and think about all of the junk that she's got compiled in it. She's dealing with the death of someone who she thought was her mother, just getting over abusive step-father who never should've been a part of her life anyways, taking care of her sister, and trying to figure out a way to get us both to the tournaments so that we can maybe find our long lost fathers. It sounds like stuff that could only happen in a book. Maybe once all of this is done with I could become an author, write our story, and make it a bestseller. 

A nice thought, but that won't ever happen. I've nearly failed every English class I've ever taken. 

As I'm brainstorming ways to kickstart my aspiring career as an author I hear a light tap on my door. It's so faint that I almost don't even register it, but it's loud enough to knock me out of my fog. Rolling over from my current position I sit up on one arm and look at the door, not sure if I should answer it or not. Maybe it'd be better for me to just keep to myself tonight and not try to get involved with anything else. This resolve fades away quickly when I hear the soft taps from the other side of the door become even more faint than they already were before. 

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