Chapter Twenty Eight

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 When I get back to Miles' house after training with Trevor, I'm met with the beautiful smell of food cooking. It doesn't take a genius to recognize the scent. The wonderful mouth-watering aroma of bacon. I drop my gym bag at the door and begin walking towards the kitchen. Miles' mom is perched at the oven cooking eggs and flipping pancakes as Miles and Angie watch her from the counter. The kitchen is an absolute mess as Miles' mom moves from cooking one thing to another at the speed of light. 

 "Violet," Angie sees me first and smiles before hopping off of her seat. She treads over to me, welcoming me with a quick hug and then dragging me over to sit with her and Miles. I take her spot and lift the smaller girl up to sit with me. "You've been gone all day." 

 "Hey Violet," Miles' mom smiles at me from over her shoulder. "You got here just in time. I'm just finishing up dinner. We're having breakfast for dinner tonight."

 "It smells great," I admit honestly. I haven't exactly gotten the chance to eat much today. I spent the majority of my day with Trevor at the gym, so I haven't exactly been paying much attention to my appetite today. 

 "Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells then," she says as stirs around the skillet of scrambled eggs. "I came home to throw this all together for the boys because I know that they can't cook and I don't want you guys eating take out again tonight. I won't be eating with you guys tonight, they gave me the overnight shift at the hospital." 

 "That sucks," I say understandingly. Miles' mom works a whole lot more than I think she should be. But I guess it makes sense, the crime rate is so incredibly high in our little town and we don't exactly have the largest hospital. "Where's Mike at?" 

 "He's upstairs in his office," she says as she moves over to begin cutting onions. "He's working on some paperwork."

 "I'm gonna run up there real quick and talk to him," I set Angie back down on the floor. "I have a question to ask him."

"Hopefully you can break him out of his work mode," Miles' mom laughs as she moves over to the cabinets and begins pulling out plates. "Tell him that dinner is ready once you get up there, will you dear?"

I make my way out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. I've been wanting to talk to Mike ever since my altercation with Carlos. I know that he's been trying to get e scheduled for my next fight, figuring that he's given me enough time to rest since my last fight with Knight. I've been pushing it off because It off because I've already got too much on my place to worry about. But I may not have much of a choice now that Carlos has figured out my secret. 

The steps creak as I near the top of the staircase. I look down the hall, making the long walk towards the very familiar looking door. I don't bother knocking before walking in. 

The office is a very large book filled space. Marketing books are lining all of the rows on the left wall and wrestling books aligning all of the space on the right side. Mike is perched at his giant desk in the middle of the room, reading glasses on as he gazes down a plethora of paperwork. 

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