Chapter Forty

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I walk around the house blankly, not really sure what to do now that Violet has locked herself away in her room. Miles came in about half an hour ago and didn't say much before bounding up the stairs to go find Violet. 

I don't know what to think. I'm not really sure how I should be feeling right now. And I'm really beginning to wonder whether or not I've just screwed everything up. 

After so long of us going at each other's throats, Violet and I had just started the process of becoming friends, but now I'm afraid that I might have just ruined it completely. I obviously freaked her out and the entire situation kind of freaks me out too. I find myself going back to the conversation that I had with Miles not too long ago when I shot down his insinuations about me liking Violet. 

Now, it doesn't necessarily seem like the craziest idea in the world. 

I've never really thought about relationships before. The closest thing I've ever had to a relationship were a few pointless flings with different girls at school. Other than that, any prospects of dating or even being with anyone in general have never really crossed my mind. Leaving me to wonder why I kissed Violet because I don't think that I could even picture her as a meaningless fling. 

I lean up against the counter, running my fingers through my hair when I hear someone bounding into the room. I look up to see Miles jogging over and frown when he opens my refrigerator and starts digging through it. 

"I got hungry," he explains as he digs through the food. He stands up with a few different bags of meat and some condiments and places them all out of the table before looking around the room skeptically. His eyes light up when they fall across the bag of bread positioned on the counter. As he reaches up to grab it he looks over at me. "I know that I told you to go for it dude, but I didn't expect you to heed my advice so quickly."

"Whatever," I mumble indifferently. I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against the counter as Miles opens up the bread bag and begins constructing his sandwich. 

"You look like you're in deep thought," Miles says as he spreads mayonnaise across a slice of bread. "Wanna talk to Papa Miles about it?"

"I'm good," I shake my head at his offer. "Thanks though."

"C'mon," Miles chuckles humorously. "I'm a good listener. Let it all out. I'm afraid you'll make a bad decision without my advice."

"I'll probably make a bad decision regardless."

"So let's avoid the bad decision making," he sets down the knife and moves to pull a few pieces of meat out of the bag he'd pulled from the fridge. "You and I both know that I know Violet better than anyone else and since she's trapped herself in the other room I'm the best thing you've got to run your thoughts by right now."

"Who says that I need to run my thoughts by anyone at all?" I stand up straight and glare at him. "It was just a kiss."

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