Chapter Ten

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"What was she talking about earlier?" I look up at Trevor as we lean against the wall. We're watching the two younger girls as they run around the store giggling. I raise my eyebrows at him, wondering what her could possible be talking about.

"What was who talking about?"

"Your sister," he says nodding towards Angie as she rifles through clothes with Jody. "When she said you have to sneak out to go shopping."

"She was just..." I struggle to find the right words that I want to use. "Over exaggerating."

"Well who's Carlos?" I flinch a little bit as his name leaves Trevor's mouth, remembering all of the times that he's balled his fists up at me.

"Listen Kingston," I say gritting my teeth at him. "Just because I'm going to be training you for a couple of months doesn't mean our relationship is going to change at all. I hate you and you hate me. So maybe you should try and stay out of my business."

Trevor stares at me for a second before nodding and turning away from me. I release a sigh and push off of the wall. I move over toward where Jody and Angie are. Angie is wearing a gigantic sun hat and Jody is tangled up in a long black scarf.

"I told you guys to find something that you can actually wear," I chuckle as I reach over to pull the sun hat off of my sister's head.

Jody looks over at one of the rocks and spots something that catches her attention. She runs over and grabs whatever she saw before quickly running back over to me.

"Can I wear these?" She asks and I choke on air a little bit when I see her holding up a pair of red lace panties. "Emma wears them all the time."

"Please don't wear anything your sister wears," I say grabbing the pair of underwear out of her hands and putting it back where she found it.

Angie, Jody, and I walk over towards the girl's section with Trevor trailing behind us with slumped shoulders. It's blatantly obvious that he doesn't want to be here right now. What teenage boy would want to follow three girls around the mall?

Angie pulls her hand away from mine and looks over her shoulder at Trevor.

"Does he still not feel good?" She asks staring up at me with sad eyes. I nod my head and she immediately turns around and walks back a few steps towards Trevor before I can stop her. I watch as she starts walking in pace with him before slowly trying to slip her small hand in his. He almost immediately pushes her hand away.

"Get away from me kid," I hear him say to her as she pouts at the rejection.

"Why are you being so mean?"

"Maybe it's because I don't like annoying bratty little kids asking me questions."

At that I turn around and slap him clear across the face. He looks surprised that I slapped him as he holds his hand up to the red mark that I left. I lean my face toward his and grip his shoulders.

"Talk to my sister like that again," I whisper threateningly into his ear. "And I'll do more than just call off this stupid deal."

I grab my sister's hand and walk back over toward Jody who is staring at me with wide eyes. She's probably in disbelief that I just slapped someone.

Needless to say, Trevor didn't talk the whole rest of the time we were at the store.


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