Chapter Fourteen

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"I need you to come with me today," I say to Miles as we follow the crowd of students out of the school and into the parking lot. We stay standing on the sidewalk instead of walking over to Miles' car. "Mrs. Camren is going to be gone with Emma and Jody at Emma's volleyball tournament this afternoon, so I need you to watch after Angie while Trevor and I are training."

"Does this mean that I get to ride in Trevor's car again?" Miles asks with an excited look on his face. He's obviously desperate to get another chance at driving in a car that, unlike his own, doesn't break down every few minutes. "Won't Angie get bored of being at the gym for as long as you guys train? You train for like six hours at a time."

"I don't train for six hours," I roll my eyes at his over-exaggeration. "Trevor and I will probably only train for two or three hours. And we aren't going to the gym today, we're going out to the field."

"Your field?" 

"It's not my field," I shake my head as I think about the field. Miles has made a habit of saying that it's mine when it really isn't. It's my Father's and it always will be. He used to take me there all of the time when he was still around. I actually wish that I could take Angie there more often cause even though she never got to go there with our Father, she seemed to love it the few times that she went there with me. That's one of the reasons that I'm choosing to train there with Trevor today. Angie can play in the field with Miles while I train with Trevor on the side.

The field is actually quite a beautiful place and it's been around for years. It's full of flowers and cute little ponds, it's a nice place to think. Maybe that's why my Father enjoyed taking me there so much when I was a kid. Perhaps he needed time to think.

"Why would you want to take Trevor there?" Miles asks. Speaking of Trevor, where is he? I told him that I'd be waiting for him to get me after school on the sidewalk. He's probably taking a long time on purpose just to piss me off. "You don't usually like bringing anyone there."

"I just don't have any other people to bring there," I shrug. Miles is the king of making things a bigger deal than it actually has to be. It's no surprise to me anymore though, I've come to expect him to blow things out of proportion. "It's not a big deal."

Both of our heads turn when we hear the loud revving of an engine. I look over and see Trevor cruising up in his car with one hand on the wheel like people do in the movies. He's wearing a black pair of Ray-Bans aviators, a plain white t-shirt, and his usual smirk. He pulls to a stop next to us and rolls down the passenger window so he can talk to me.

"I would apologize for taking so long," he says through the window as I glare at him. "But I think we both know that I wouldn't mean it."

"Whatever," I look over at Miles who is basically bouncing where he's standing. I know that he's excited to be able to hang around Trevor. Since Miles has grown up around fighting he's fallen in love with the sport. That being said, he's probably one of the biggest fanboys that I've ever met. Before Miles and I became friends he used to keep track of all of my fights because he was a huge fan, he probably does the same with Trevor too. "Miles is coming with us today."

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