Chapter Twenty

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A/N: That's Miles off to the side. 


"Well that certainly could have gone better."

I look over at Miles and glare at him, not in the mood to hear any of his remarks after what just happened between us and Trevor. I groan frustratedly as I run a hand through my hair, not willing to believe that I let Trevor hear about what's been going on with Angie and I. I don't think he'll do anything with the information, but the less people that know about our situation the better. I don't know if I can trust that Trevor won't blab about it to one of his buddies, just the thought of word getting around makes me nauseous. 

"What if he says something Miles?" I squeeze my eyes shut and rub at my temples.  "This is bad."

"I don't think Trevor is going to say anything to anyone," Miles shrugs nonchalantly. "Why would he? It's not like he would benefit from it."

"I don't know," I shrug and turn around to start walking back down the hallway. "But I don't like that he knows. It makes me feel uneasy."

"I guess so," Miles pulls out his phone and looks at the time. "We've still got like half an hour left for lunch, do you wanna go out or eat in the cafeteria today?"

"Go out," I say scrunching my nose at the thought of eating in the cafeteria. "I don't want cafeteria food today. Besides, I promised Angie that I would pick her up and that we'd have lunch together."

"Because of what happened?"

"Yeah," I sigh sadly. "She's still pretty messed up over the whole thing."

"I would be too," he nods his understanding. "You wanna skip next period then? We can just go out to eat, it'll give you more time with Angie. And I have a test next period that I really don't want to take."

"We can," I say as we near the front doors of the school. "She really didn't want to go to school today. Hopefully I can convince her to go back after we finish eating. This has been a pretty shit day for both of us."

"Well at least something good is going to come out of us missing next period to have lunch with her."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"I'm not gonna have to take that test next period."


Lunch with Angie went by smoothly and luckily for me she wasn't as reluctant to go back to school as I thought she would be. Whether or not it's because she gets to go to Jody's after school or she's just in a better mood, I'm glad that she seems to be slowly feeling better. 

I, on the other hand, continue to feel worse as the day wears on. Throughout the next few class periods my body seems to do a complete 180 on me. A headache begins to set in and I can't help but to feel more groggy as time ticks on. 

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