Chapter Fifty Three

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After leaving Trevor's house I already have my next destination in mind. The sun is setting as I begin my walk and by the time I reach the house it's almost completely dark outside. Sometimes I'm glad that I don't have a car and that I have to walk everywhere because it forces me to think about everything. I'm not sure what I'd end up doing if I didn't really dissect the situation first. 

I don't bother knocking on the door before walking into the familiar building. The door isn't locked which doesn't come as a surprise to me, but the pungent smell emanating throughout the home is what strikes me. Although the house has always smelled of stale cigarettes it had always been something that I'd grown accustomed to smelling. This new smell however is something that resembles a mixture of throw up, sour whiskey, and urine. 

I find myself struggling to not gag at the scent as I continue my journey into the home. It doesn't take long for me to find the man that I came here for. It's an all too familiar site to see Carlos' limp body draped across the small sofa in the middle of the living room. Anyone else who would walk in on this scene would probably immediately assume that he was dead, but I knew better than to think that dream had come true for me yet. It was obvious that he'd drank himself into oblivion yet again and passed out on the couch. 

I walk past his slumbering form and down the hall towards the room that I know Myrah and Carlos had always shared. I had never attempted venturing into the room when I still lived here because I knew how bad the consequences could have ended up being for Angie and I if Carlos were to find out. So I kept my distance from the room at the end of the hall and didn't think much about it. To be honest, I'm not even sure what I plan on looking for in here. 

As soon as I open the door I'm met with a room that looks as though a tornado were unleashed upon it. Nothing is where it should be, the dresser is tipped over and drawers are thrown about, there are trash bags littering the area, dirty clothes hanging all over the place, and the bed is flipped completely upside down. I almost don't even want to try to navigate through the mess, but figure that I might as well do this while I've got the chance. 

For the most part there isn't really anything that I need in the room. A lot of the stuff seems to have belonged to Myrah, mostly old photos and little trinkets. I find a box with her name on it filled with a ton of files and useless information that I won't need. A slight shiver runs through my body when I reach the bottom of the box and find a bunch of pictures of Angie and I that I'd never known were taken when we were younger. I also come across a few pictures of my father from years before he'd supposedly 'left' us. 

Closing the box, I kick it to the side of the room and turn around to continue surveying the room. After a while of searching pointlessly through the debris of the room, I make my way over towards the door that obviously leads into the closet.

For the most part the closet is empty, nothing hanging up or appearing to be stored in here. I almost disregard the tiny space, but I stop when I glance up and see something sticking out on the shelf. Reaching up, I grab what appears to be an envelope that's perched on the edge and pull it down towards me. The bulkiness of the envelope sparks my curiosity even more and I'm quick to flip it open and look inside. My eyes nearly burst open when I see it's filled to the brim with more money than I'd ever been graced to see in my life. I couldn't help that my breath caught in my throat just by looking at it. 

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