Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Trevor, you have to get up and train."

"No, I don't. This isn't even going to be a real fight. The kid is a joke."

"Just cause you get an easy fight doesn't mean that you get to stop training cold turkey."

"I'm not much into turkey, I'm more of a ham guy-"

"Stop being such a smart ass," I roll my eyes at the boy as he continues staring off mindlessly at the cartoons playing on the tv. "I'm supposed to be coaching you, you're paying me to help you. Now do what I say and get up.

"Hmm..." He takes his eyes off of the tv screen just long enough to look over at me. His lips turn up into a small grin before he turns his eyes back to his show. "Make me."

I narrow my eyes at him and his stuck-up challenging tone. If he doesn't think that I will make him get up then he clearly doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does. I stand there with my arms crossed for another moment, not feeling like moving him, but knowing that I have to show him a lesson either way. 

It's not until I reach the point of not being able to look at the smirk printed across his face that I finally decide to act. I move forward, quickly grabbing both of his wrists and pulling him down on to the floor. I plant my knees on either side of his abdominem and holds his arms down so that he can barely even bend them. 

I smile down at him sweetly, reveling in the fact that I've won this battle once again. But just as I'm about to chastise him, I feel a sharp pain cut through my back and I'm suddenly being flipped over. 

"You're getting a little bit lazy Lioness," Trevor chuckles pridefully from on top of me. "That was a little bit too easy. You're not very good at this sport anymore."

"So that makes you the king of fighting then, does it?" He shrugs lightly but keeps his gaze on me as hes smiles. "When then I guess you don't need a coach. I'll just be on my way and you can figure out how to fight all the big burly men."

"Who says I need you to help me fight anyways?" He asks teasingly. "Maybe I just keep you around to have a pretty face to look at."

"Nobody would be stupid enough to pay me as much as you are because I have a 'pretty face'", I shake my head at him. "Besides if it's a pretty face you're looking for then you can find a ton of those at school drooling over you. They're all probably much prettier than I am."

"Nah," Trevor lets go of my wrists and rests his hand on either side of my head so that he's looking directly down at me. "A lot of the girls are hot. But only a few of them are pretty."

"Is there even a difference?"

"Of course there is," Trevor nods. "I'm not the kind of guy that likes a lot of the hot girls. They're hot and everything, but sometimes it just gets old seeing the same old thing. It's kind of hard to explain, but pretty girls are simplistic in a beautiful way."

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