Chapter Sixty

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A/N: Buckle in kids. 


Movies are always wrong. 

Things don't just happen in slow motion. Horrible things happen in the quickest way possible, but pack the hardest punch. Perhaps it's the processing of the events taking place that are supposed to be happening in slow motion. Maybe that is what directors are going for when they shoot awful scenes. But no matter how these directors, producers, etc. may want to have a scene play out it still couldn't be any further away from the truth. None of that is what's running through my mind as I watch the events that are unfolding in front of me. 

The first thing that I witness is my best friend screaming out in pain. I watch as Miles rolls over off of Trevor and clutches his stomach as he wails out loudly. The blood has already began to spill out of his wound, staining the yellow t-shirt that he'd worn today. But that's not what makes my blood run cold. What turns my blood to ice is the scream that follows Miles' injury. 

Trevor's scream. 

I had to listen to Trevor's screams as I watched my little sister's body collapse to the ground. 

I'm not necessarily frozen, but it takes me longer than I would have liked for me to actually move. The worst possible scenario is the first thing that pops into my mind. An image of myself sitting alone at my baby sister's funeral. That's what forces me to move out of my spot. It's not Trevor's insistent yelling from where he's kneeling down next to Angie's body. It's not the overwhelming silence that's buzzing around my usually talkative sister. It's the terror that comes along with the fact that in just a few seconds I'd even allowed her to get hurt. After all of the effort that I've put in just to keep her safe, I slipped up this time, and she got hurt because of it. 

Running over to her and dropping down next to her isn't something that I register. Nothing else seems to matter as I sit there and watch Trevor as he desperately attempts to apply pressure to the wound in Angie's abdomen. It seems like more blood than I've ever seen before in my life. The color red becomes ugly as it blotches up on the baby blue sundress that Angie has been so excited to wear today. 

Trevor stands up after having taken his shirt off and wrapping it the best that he could around Angie. He says something about calling the police, but I'm unable to pay him any mind. My hands float down to Angie's face. Her eyes are closed in a manner that makes it seem as though she's just sleeping. I obviously know otherwise. My breathing picks up immensely when my fingers float down to her neck and I realize that her hasn't. I can't feel the tears that have begun freely flowing down my face, but I do feel the oncoming pains of what could only be compared to that of a heart attack. 

I begin screaming at the top of my lungs as my heart rapidly thumps against my chest. An aching pain begins shooting through head, the vibrations of noise echoing in my head. My breathing becomes staggered as I struggle to find the air in my lungs. Everything becomes blurry around me from the tall men that come rushing into the room to Trevor as he begins screaming obscenities. It's not until I see the tall men in question trying to grab at Angie's body that any shred of resistance I've ever had leaves me. 


Time of Death - 6:49 P.M. 

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